Roosevelt Island October Public Safety Incident Blotter - Marijuana Possession, Open Container, Unleashed Dog, Reckless Driving, Assault, Rock Throwing & More - Issues Remain With RIOC On Disclosing Public Safety Incident Information
I sent the following message yesterday to Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra and Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Press Spokesperson.
The 11/26 -27 Public Safety Report notesRIOC's Press Spokesperson replied:
Criminal Possession of Marijuana - Two subjects arrested by PSD.
Can you provide additional details as to the place, time, were the subject Roosevelt Island residents and any other relevant information on this arrest. How much marijuana was involved?
Criminal Possession of Marijuana:RIOC declined to report whether the subjects arrested were Roosevelt Island residents or the amount of marijuana involved. Also, RIOC did not disclose where the incident took place at 425 Main Street. Was it in front of the building entrance, across the street in Firefighters Field, in the Commons area or outside the Riverwalk Bar?
11/27/11 at 11:30pm, outside of 425 Main St. No Injuries.
The 11/10 -11 Public Safety incident report indicated a Grand larceny occurred:
Grand Larceny - Referred to PSD Detectives.
I asked RIOC:
Can you provide additional details regarding where it occurred, what time of day, item stolen, anyone injured and any other relevant informationRIOC spokesperson replied:
The larceny occurred at 625 Main St. after 7pm. No injuries. An arrest was made by PSD.RIOC declined to report what item was subject of the larceny or whether the subject arrested was a Roosevelt Island resident.
As can be seen from the above examples there are still issues remaining regarding RIOC's willingness to make public relevant information regarding Public Safety incidents, though it has become much better. There is no reason why RIOC cannot report an incident occurred with greater specificity including what item was stolen in a grand larceny and whether subjects arrested were Roosevelt Island residents.
The Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Incident Reports are archived on the blog's sidebar.
Below is the RIOC Public Safety Monthly Incident Blotter for October 2011. The Monthly Blotter Reports are much more detailed than the Daily Public Safety Reports but they report on incidents 6- 8 weeks old. Included in the October Blotter are these incidents:
- C-SUMMONS Dog observed at location without being on a leash. Dog owner advised but would not comply. Summons issued. (10/24, opposite 475 Main Street),
- A nail was found sticking out of one of the swings to the child playground area at location. Tape was placed on it until the condition could be corrected. Building management notified. (10/16, adjacent to 8 River Road),
- Victim stated an unknown male approached her stating she was in health code violation and would correct the condition if she paid him $937. Victim refused NYPD. (10/20, 570 Main Street),
- ARREST Male and female subjects observed with open container. Subjects were issued summonses and released. (10/1, 560 Main Street),
- ARREST Two male subjects observed smoking illegal substance. Both subjects placed into custody, issued summonses and released. (10/8, 595 Main Street),
- ARREST Male subject observed in possession of marijuana. Subject taken into custody and also found to be in possession of 30 pills of unprescribed Xanax. Subject transported to Manhattan Central Booking for arrest processing. (10/13, 200 Main Street),
- ARREST Male subject observed in possession of marijuana. Subject taken into custody and transported to the 114 Precinct for arrest processing. (10/16, 200 Main Street),
- ARREST Nine male subjects (one youth) at location unlawfully. All subjects were taken into custody. Male youth released to his parents. Other eight subjects issued summonses and released.(10/31, 900 Main Street),
- NYPD ARREST NYPD Officer requested assistance apprehending two subjects involved in possession of stolen property. Both subjects were taken to 114 Precinct by NYPD Officer for arrest processing. (10/14, 425 Main Street),
- ARREST Female subject taken into custody after being seen throwing rocks at windows of location causing over $1,500 in damages. Building management on scene. Subject sustained injuries to her head causing bleeding from broken windows. EMS on scene. Subject transported to Manhattan Central Booking for arrest processing. (10/22, 540 Main Street),
- Female victim was assaulted by a female subject at location causing injury to her face. EMS on scene and transported victim to Mt. Sinai hospital. NYPD notified and on scene for report. (10/24, 400 Main Street),
- ARREST Male subject driving recklessly down Main Street. Subject was pulled over, but refused to stop. Subject drove away striking Officer causing injury. License information processed to reveal address of subject. Subject was apprehended and taken into custody. Upon search subject was in possession of marijuana. Subject transported to 114 Precinct for arrest processing. (10/28, 540 Main Street)
Click here for the Roosevelt Island Public Safety statistics for 2011 thru October.