Sunday, April 26, 2020

Roosevelt Island Geese With Baby Goslings Take A Stroll Near Southpoint Park - Wildlife Needs To Walk Around Too

A family of Geese with baby Goslings were strolling Roosevelt Island the other day

and resident Moose shares this up close video of our wildlife neighbors.
Goslings on Roosevelt Island

Oh, to be a young gosling again! Every spring we have a new batch of baby geese come to Roosevelt Island near Southpoint Park. Here are a few videos my wife took of the latest bunch on her morning walks. Don't worry--she kept her distance! It just looks close up because of zooming & cropping.

Here's more on Roosevelt Island wildlife.

During February 12 Engaged Roosevelt Island environmental understanding presentation, local resident and Wildlife Freedom Foundation Founder Rossana Ceruzzi showed us some of the wildlife that makes their home on Roosevelt Island.

Ms Ceruzzi has not seen any Giraffes, alligators or dolphins yet.

Local resident and urban naturalist Jack Burkhalter treated the same Engage RI audience to a fascinating presentation on the Natural World Of Roosevelt Island from 1609, (then called Minnahanonck Island - meaning Nice Island - by Lenape Native Americans) to the present day.