Long Time Roosevelt Island Resident Carl Weisbrod Named Co Chair Of Mayor de Blasio's Fair Recovery Task Force To Build Stronger, Safer & Fairer NYC Economy Post Coronavirus Pandemic
We don’t just need a recovery, we need a transformation. I am launching the Fair Recovery Task Force, to help us build a more equitable city. I've assembled a group of remarkable New Yorkers to come together and create a preliminary recovery road map for our city by June 1st.— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) April 26, 2020
NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio named Roosevelt Island resident Carl Weisbrod as Co-Chair of the Fair Recovery Task Force.
According to the Mayor's Office:
FAIR RECOVERY TASKFORCEAccording to Mr Weisbrod's HRA bio:
Civic leaders from diverse backgrounds will help the City formulate a broader post-crisis recovery effort that builds a stronger, safer, and fairer economy and society. In the beginning of June, the task force will put forward a recovery road map that will inform the City’s recovery efforts. They will continue to support the City over the course of the recovery and adjust the roadmap to meet new challenges.
Members of the Fair Recovery Task Force include:
- Patrick Gaspard, President, Open Society Foundation
- Jennifer Jones Austin, CEO, Federation of Protestant Welfare Agencies
- Richard Ravitch, Former Lieutenant Governor of New York State
- Carl Weisbrod, Senior Advisor, HR&A Advisors
- Henry Garrido, Executive Director, DC37
- Maria Torres Springer, Vice President for US Programs, Ford Foundation
- Liz Neumark, CEO, Great Performances
- Fred Wilson, Partner, Union Square Ventures
Carl Weisbrod is a national authority on city planning, affordable housing policy, urban development, and public-private real estate development. In his four decades of experience, Carl has brokered and led complex public-private partnerships and created innovative governance strategies to spur economic development. His record of visionary, innovative, and successful urban development initiatives has made him an internationally sought-after advisor.and click here for interesting 2014 presentation by Mr Weisbrod on NYC Real Estate issues.
Throughout his career guiding public agencies and transformative development initiatives, Carl has served the City of New York in many capacities– most recently, as Chairman of the New York City Planning Commission and Director of the New York City Department of City Planning. Prior to these appointments, Carl was a Partner at HR&A, where he managed the successful rezoning of the Hudson Square area in Manhattan, which has transformed the neighborhood into a dynamic hub for creative industries and new housing, including up to 700 affordable units. ...

Carl Weisbrod - JDS Development Group
Mr Weisbrod has not been involved in Roosevelt Island issues to my knowledge other than asking Hudson Related Main Street Retail Master Leaseholder David Kramer in 2014 about when the new Roosevelt Island wine shop would open.