Thursday, April 30, 2020

Mayor de Blasio Announces Free Coronavirus Face Coverings To Be Given Out At NYC Parks This Weekend, But Not On Roosevelt Island - RIOC Discussing Possibility Of Distributing Masks, Reserves Right To Close Any Public Space When Social Distancing & Face Covering Guidelines Not Being Met

Reported previously that the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) closed Southpoint Park last Saturday afternoon because RIOC determined social distancing practices were not being maintained within the park and a number of people were not wearing face coverings. RIOC did not provide any metrics regarding the number of people who were not complying with these safety protocols.

According to RIOC:

Maintaining Social Distancing

The weather is getting nicer and the draw of the outdoors is getting stronger as the news about the pandemic slowly grows more encouraging. Although we want everyone to enjoy our public spaces, everyone must do so responsibly. That means you must wear a mask or a cloth covering your mouth and nose in public. You must also maintain a social distance of at least six feet whenever possible to cut down on the possibility of infection.

Unfortunately, we had to close Southpoint Park over the weekend because people were not adhering to social distancing guidelines. It is a drastic step we do not take lightly, but one we will take again if another unsafe situation arises.
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced today that free face coverings will be distributed at NYC Parks beginning this weekend.

But not at any Roosevelt Island parks as shown on this map - the closest is Queensbridge Park across the East River in Long Island City.

I asked RIOC President Susan Rosenthal and RIOC Directors
Mayor de Blasio announced today that NYC will be giving out free face coverings at local parks.

But no park on Roosevelt island is listed as distributing face coverings. Here's link.

Will RIOC distribute face coverings at Roosevelt Island parks to avoid closing Southpoint and Lighthouse Park as was done last Saturday?

Any comment?
RIOC Public Information Officer Terrence McCauley replied:
RIOC reserves the right to close any public space when social distancing and guidelines pertaining to masks/face coverings are not being met. We are in the process of discussing the possibility of mask / face covering distribution with the governor’s office and other stakeholders.
Roosevelt Island residents can be creative with their face masks.

Unlikely that any masks from NYC or RIOC will have such nice smiles.