Thursday, February 23, 2012

Roosevelt Island Resident and Rethink Group Founder Denise Shull Reading From Her New Book Market Mind Games At Gallery RIVAA - Very Interesting Discussion On Understanding Emotion For Investing and Any Other Decision Making Process

 Image of Denise Shull's New Book Market Games In Barnes & Nobles 5th Avenue Store Window

Reported earlier this month on Roosevelt Island resident and founder of The ReThink Group Denise Shull's new book Market Mind Games: A Radical New Psychology of Investing, Trading and Risk. Ms. Shull gave a reading from her book and answered question from a well attended gathering  of Roosevelt Islanders at Gallery RIVAA on Sunday February 12.

Here's what happened. It began with a welcome from Gallery RIVAA representative and then Ms. Shull talked about her new book, followed by a Question and Answer period.

There were problems with my video camera at this point causing several minutes of Ms. Shull's presentation to be missing but then continues here.

It was a very interesting and thought provoking discussion. Would like to see more such events here on Roosevelt Island.

You can buy Ms. Shull's Market Mind Games at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.