Friday, February 10, 2012

Roosevelt Island Resident and Rethink Group Founder Denise Shull Reading From Her New Book Market Mind Games - A Radical New Psychology of Investing, Trading and Risk On Sunday At Gallery RIVAA 4 PM

Are you a Wall Street Master of the Universe, independent day trader or just interested in making better decisions to manage your own money. If that's the case, you may be interested in a new book written by Roosevelt Island resident and founder of The ReThink Group Denise Shull -  Market Mind Games: A Radical New Psychology of Investing, Trading and Risk.

 Image of Denise Shull's New Book Market Games In Barnes & Nobles 5th Avenue Store Window
According to the Chicago Sun-Times:
...  Denise Shull, author of Market Mind Games (McGraw Hill, 2012), is an internationally recognized pioneer in the new psychology of risk and uncertainty. She’s the founder of ReThink Group Inc., a New York-based consulting firm that helps increase performance by using the science called neuro-economics, an interesting approach to behavioral economics. Basically, what Shull advises is not that you try to beat down all your emotions so they don’t impact your investment performance. She says that’s not only impossible — but counter-productive. Every decision includes an emotion. So instead, Shull advises that you recognize the impact of those emotions — the meaning they are imparting to your thinking. After all, it isn’t the emotion that needs to be controlled, it is the action you take that need to be directed...
... Market Mind Games reads more like a mystery romance novel than a psychological dissertation. It is must-reading for anyone who intends to do more than just invest a regular amount monthly into a diversified 40l(k) portfolio. That’s not to say that a regular dollar investment is a bad idea. In fact, for most people, who have neither the time nor the self-discipline to read this book, a long-term monthly investment plan is truly a better solution.
Then again, you might want to read this book just for the knowledge of how your emotions rule your brain — and to learn how to recognize the urge to dump your plan, and your stocks, in a moment of panic...
Ms. Shull will be doing a Books & Bites reading from Market Mind Games at Roosevelt Island's Gallery RIVAA starting 4 PM Sunday February 12. According to Ms. Shull, there will be:
crudité, two unusual dips, chocolate coconut almonds, chardonnay and pinot grigio. A small number of books will be for sale.
More on Ms. Shull's ReThink Group:
... We specialize in assisting Wall St. and athletes – teaching highly paid performers a new way to handle the key emotional dimensions of their work. For example, find a quote about the key use of context in The New York Times Sunday Business section from our Founder Denise Shull on the August Market volatility. Adapting findings from the neurosciences of the unconscious, emotion and perception, we deliver a new way to work with Emotional Intelligence, Behavioral Finance and sports psychology....
You can buy Ms. Shull's Market Games at Amazon or Barnes & Nobles and here's an interview with Ms. Shull about her book.
You Tube Interview of Denise Shull
Denise Shull's another interesting Roosevelt Island resident. I watched an excellent Wall Street movie about the collapse of an investment bank's mortgage backed securities holdings last night - Margin Call (trailer) with Kevin Spacey and Jeremy Irons. I highly recommend it for people who like this kind of stuff. Here's a review.