Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stolen Property Reported Inside Roosevelt Island Motorgate Garage - Was It A Car, Motorcycle Or Something Else? Will RIOC Tell Us?

Reported in February 14 post of a Grand Larceny at 540 Main Street, Roosevelt Landings, and my request of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department for more information:
The 2/11 - 12 Public Safety Report indicates that a Grand Larceny occurred at 540 Main Street.

Grand Larceny - At 540 Main Street.  Search made with negative results.   NYPD filed a report.

Yesterday, I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) to provide additional details as to what was stolen, any damage or injuries involved, what time of day the incident occurred and any other relevant information. Will update when RIOC responds with information.
On February 20, I received this response from RIOC's Press Spokesperson:
The Grand Larceny incident at 540 Main Street occurred on 2/11 at 5:35pm.  There were no injuries.
RIOC provided no information regarding what was stolen - just place, time and whether there were any injuries.

How about RIOC performing a public service by informing the Roosevelt Island public
  • what was stolen, 
  • if the stolen property was taken from a person or from inside an apartment when nobody was home,
  • If the property was stolen from a person, was the person threatened, was a weapon involved, was the victim an adult, child, male or female,
  • If the property stolen, was taken from inside an apartment, how was access gained?
The press spokesperson is not at fault here - they are only following orders from RIOC staff.

Earlier today, I sent this message to RIOC President Leslie Torres, Vice President of Operations Fernando Martinez and Public Safety Director Keith Guerra:
The 2/17 - 18 Public Safety Report indicates:

Stolen Property - Inside Motorgate. NYPD and PSD on scene.

What was the item stolen - was it a car or something else and what time did incident occur.

It would be very helpful and a public service if RIOC will inform what item was stolen in this case as well as other incidents in which there was a robbery, burglary, grand larceny or any other similar incident.

For some reason, RIOC's Press Spokesperson has been told not to report any information regarding what has actually been stolen such as the 2/11 - 2/12 Grand Larceny asked about below.

Will you change RIOC policy to include information disclosing the type of item stolen.
UPDATE 2/22 - RIOC's Press Spokeperson concerning the Motorgate Stolen Property:
This incident occurred at 3:00pm and there were no injuries.