Roosevelt Island Resident and Rethink Group Founder Denise Shull Reading From Her New Book Market Mind Games At Gallery RIVAA - Very Interesting Discussion On Understanding Emotion For Investing and Any Other Decision Making Process
Reported earlier this month on Roosevelt Island resident and founder of The ReThink Group Denise Shull's new book Market Mind Games: A Radical New Psychology of Investing, Trading and Risk. Ms. Shull gave a reading from her book and answered question from a well attended gathering of Roosevelt Islanders at Gallery RIVAA on Sunday February 12.
Here's what happened. It began with a welcome from Gallery RIVAA representative and then Ms. Shull talked about her new book, followed by a Question and Answer period.
There were problems with my video camera at this point causing several minutes of Ms. Shull's presentation to be missing but then continues here.
It was a very interesting and thought provoking discussion. Would like to see more such events here on Roosevelt Island.
You can buy Ms. Shull's Market Mind Games at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.