Brightly Colored and Exotic Zoggers Make Their Presence Known On Roosevelt Island Ball Fields and Bar Reports Life Of Riley Blogger
Want to know more about the brightly colored t-shirt and shorts wearing Zog ball players who come to use the Roosevelt Island fields? Roosevelt Island resident and blogger Life of Riley NYC tells us:
During the weekends, especially spring and summer, Roosevelt Island’s Fire Fighters Field, Octagon Field and Pony Field come to life courtesy of the Zoggers. Like a rare breed of exotic bird descending the fields in their colorful sneakers and occasional old-school knee-high socks, Zoggers congregate, strategize and ultimately play ball—be it kickball, dodgeball, football, or baseball. Styling team colored tee shirts with cool names like Catchers in the Rye and Purple Reign, the Zoggers, whether on the field or in the local Bar & Grill afterwards, make their presence known. They’re loud, really loud—laughing, talking, and cheering . . . nonstop. And it makes you feel good just being around it, little snippets of laughter sneaking in through open windows or tapping you on the shoulder while walking by on a sunny day. You begin to look for your favorite player or the most engaging team, high-fivers, and talk about the games later, as if you were a part of it all. I had to know more about this phenomenon. I asked around, did a little research, and discovered a wonderful back story as motivational as the Zoggers themselves....Click here for the entire Life Of Riley Zog article and more info on Roosevelt Island Zog Sports from previous posts as well as the Zog site.