Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Sponsored Post - Get A Free Covid-19 Test Today New York City, Free Quick & Easy - Closest Roosevelt Island Locations Are In Long Island City And Upper East Side

According to the NYC Covid-19 Information Portal
What is COVID-19?

COVID-19 is a severe respiratory syndrome and infectious disease. Its symptoms include but are not limited to fever, cough, shortness of breath, loss of taste or smell. However, not all people have symptoms when they have COVID-19.

What does the COVID-19 test consist of?

The COVID-19 diagnostic test is safe, free, and easy. A nasal swab, oral swab or saliva sample may be used.

Who can get tested?

All New Yorkers should get tested now, whether or not you have symptoms or are at increased risk.

How often should I get tested?

If your first COVID test is negative, you should get tested again if you
  • are concerned about possible exposure
  • have spent time in a large crowd
  • have had exposure to someone with confirmed or possible COVID-19
  • have symptoms
  • work in a congregate setting like a nursing home or shelter are planning to visit someone at high risk for severe COVID-19 illness
How long do results take?

Most results are returned in about 48 hours.

Do I need insurance?

You do NOT need insurance to get a diagnostic test.


Your test results are confidential.

Where can I get tested?

There are hundreds of convenient testing sites across the city. We also have mobile testing units visiting boroughs. To find a testing site near you, type your zip code into the below.

To find a Covid1-19 Testing site near you, type your zip code at this link....
Here's a screenshot of Covid 19 Testing Locations

in Long Island City and the Upper East Side that are closest to Roosevelt Island.

Click on this link for the exact addresses.