Monday, June 15, 2020

Installation Of Roosevelt Island Citibike Docking Stations Beginning At End Of June, Service Starts In July Says RIOC - Some Residents Concerned About Safety, Is Roosevelt Island Prepared For Increased Bike Traffic

Feb 2020 RI Citibike Presentation

As reported March 9:
Citibike sharing docking stations are finally coming to Roosevelt Island this spring nearly 10 years after the first Roosevelt Island bike sharing demo in 2010 and in 2014 being the neighborhood with most requests for the Citibke system.
Today, I asked the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
Any update on when Citibike will begin service on Roosevelt Island?

Have there been any changes due to Coronavirus pandemic?
RIOC Public Information Officer Terrence McCauley answered:
Fortunately, the service has not been delayed due to COVID-19. The installation is scheduled to begin at the end of the month with the service to begin sometime in July.
Reactions from Roosevelt Island residents to Citibike is mixed. Some very happy that the service is available on Roosevelt island.

Others are concerned about safety issues from increased number of bike riders speeding on the Promenade.

And riding on sidewalks.

There will be 4 Roosevelt Island docking stations with a total of approximately 72 bicycles located at
  • Southpoint Park
  • Adjacent to new comfort station at Firefighters Field between Tram Station and Ferry Dock
  • Under the Helix at Motorgate
  • Adjacent to the Octagon Building