Monday, June 15, 2020

Meet Suraj Patel And Lauren Ashcraft, Democratic Party Primary Candidates To Represent Roosevelt Island In Congress - Mail In Ballot Request Deadline June 16, Early Vote In Person Now Thru June 21, Election Day June 23

There's still time to request your mail in ballot, until June 16, to vote in the June 23 Democratic Party primary for candidates to represent Roosevelt Island in the 12th Congressional District.

You can also vote early in person until June 21. The Roosevelt Island early vote location is 440 East 26 Street.

Good question.

The sole election on the ballot for Roosevelt Island is the Democratic Party Primary for Congress. The candidates are:
I spoke with two of the Democratic Party Primary Candidates, Suraj Patel

and Lauren Ashcraft,

at last Saturday's Roosevelt Island Farmers Market.

There is a NY 12 Democratic Party Primary Congressional Forum this evening.