Friday, June 19, 2020

Roosevelt Island MST&DA Invites You To A Special Virtual Theater Event Saturday June 20- Magis Theater Company Presentation Of Thornton Wilder's The Alcestiad And The Healing Sun Launch Party For New Interactive Web Site

Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance (MST&DA) Assistant Executive Director Kimbirdlee Fadner reports:

MST&DA has begun a partnership with world re-known Magis Theatre Co and is involved in the bringing of a fascinating play by Thornton Wilder, titled "The Alcestiad" to Roosevelt Island. It was originally slated to open next weekend (June 20th) at Four Freedoms Park.

There is a virtual event on Saturday, June 20th at 7pm called "The Healing Sun" that I feel is very poignant at this moment and time.

Here is a link to their website

MST&DA Executive Director Kristi Towey adds:
Magis Theatre will reveal a new interactive website dedicated to the development of the show. It will also feature Roosevelt Island and how The Alcestiad relates to the locations that would have been part of the performance. The actors will give a sneak peek into the work they have been doing to prepare.

The play was scheduled to open on Saturday, June 20th at Four Freedoms Park during the solstice which serves as the set for Thornton Wilder’s play. Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance partnered with Magis to help make Roosevelt Island the location for this special project and performance. Local/MST&DA actors in the show are Russ Cusick, Jacqueline Lucid, Kimbirdlee Fadner, Jack Fadner, Mae Roney and Jeanne Castagnaro. Although we are disappointed that it was not possible this summer, we look forward to making it happen June 2021.
According to the Magis Theater Company:
Join our online event Saturday June 20, at 7 EST

"The Healing Sun"

launching an interactive website to introduce you to this important piece of Thornton Wilder.

CLICK HERE to join our Zoom Meeting or watch us on Facebook Live or YouTube Live

We are excited to share with you some of our work in developing this piece as we continue to prepare for our production in Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island, NYC in June of 2021.

The struggle between Apollo and Death which frames Wilder's "Alcestiad" is the inspiration for this image by world renowned artist Luba Lukova. One ray of Apollo's light has broken the wall that surrounds Death's kingdom, making it possible for Apollo to bring back from the dead those who have given their lives in love of others....

Here's press release from Magis Theater Company describing the event.