Saturday, May 18, 2024

Bring Your Instruments And Vocal Chords To Roosevelt Island Beatles Jam Session Sunday May 19 At RIVAA Gallery - Yeah Yeah Yeah, Twist And Shout

The Roosevelt Island RIVAA Gallery (527 Main Street) is hosting their second Beatles Jam Session Sunday May 19.

According to RIVAA Gallery: 

RIVAA Gallery Presents: Beatles Jam Session

Tomorrow: Sunday, May 19 from 3:00 - 6:00PM

Are you feeling nostalgic? Perhaps you have a sudden urge to sing some Beatles songs together with friends and neighbors? Whether you grew up with the Beatles or have only recently been introduced to their music, join us at RIVAA Gallery on May 19, 2024 from 3-6 PM for our second Beatles Jam Session. If you play a musical instrument, bring it with you. All contributions to the music are welcome. Play, sing or listen – the choice is yours. Whatever you do, have a good time.

Admission is complimentary. As always, any donation is very much appreciated.

Here's a bit from the first RIVAA Gallery Beatles Jam session last February 25.

Have fun.

Friday, May 17, 2024

Q & A With Artist Jim Pignetti Currently Showing "The Unrelenting Eye" Exhibition At Roosevelt Island RIVAA Gallery - Describes Evolving Painting On Metal Surface Process And Creative RIVAA Community

The Roosevelt Island RIVAA Gallery is currently exhibiting the paintings of artist Jim Pignetti through Sunday May 26. 

According to RIVAA Gallery:
Immerse yourself in Jim Pignetti’s world.

His latest paintings – filled with intense color – explode, splash and drip their way across a silver-toned metal surface. “The Unrelenting Eye” challenges the viewer to explore how the cold, hard surface of metal and the energetic movement of paint are reconciled in a single painting that keeps the eye engaged and constantly moving.

The exhibition runs from May 3-26 at RIVAA Gallery, 527 Main Street, Roosevelt Island 10044. All are welcome, and entry is free.

Roosevelt Island resident and Gallery RIVAA member artist Laura Hussey interviewed Mr Pignetti earlier this week about his work in this question and answer format.

Q - Congratulations on your exhibition at RIVAA Gallery. Aside from the obvious fact that you own a business that sells metal what inspired your choice of material as the “canvas” for this series of paintings Inspired?

A - I needed something flat, and there were “drops” in the scrap barrel. With the early experiments, I noticed light bouncing off the surface, enabling the paint to float, and the playing began.

Q - Was this the first time that you painted on metal? Where did you draw your inspiration from?

A - Yes, this is my first substantial exploration of paint on metal. What kind of paint did you use?

Acrylic Paint – I prefer the brand, Golden.

Q - All the paintings seem to employ a similar technique with abstract imagery that uses drips and splashes on the metal surface yet you manage to make them all look different. How do you do that?

A - Over the six months that I did this series, and as a process painter, the technique would evolve, from standing on a ladder dropping, dripping pigment, to creating color washes which I then blew across the surface using fans, or altering inclines, and using whatever discovery I made along the way, including different viscosities concentrations, and fluidity. By the way, brushes are not used in these paintings . 

Q-  All your work has a lot of color. You didn’t, for example paint any in black and white. Would you comment on that?

A - No. I just didn’t use black and white. I might in the future… I did use complementary colors for one, Yellow/Blue.

Q - How do you choose the titles of your paintings ? Do they have a specific meaning?

A - No meaning. When it was time for naming, I free-associated a long list, writing them all down, woke up the next day and applied them to the paintings.

Q - When viewers comment on your paintings do you find that they understand what you are trying to convey.

A - Understand? Not sure. But I know that they feel what I’m doing. They tell me! The work is intended to be sensual; gesture expressing energy, feelings, and color tickling the retina. When I was mounting the exhibit, people would halt on the street, their eyes caught in the artwork. I knew something was happening!

Q - Do viewers reactions ever make you see your work in a new way or see things that you never thought of before?

A - Yes. One viewer showed me “gems” of pigment. And seeing the droplets floating on the shining aluminum, they did indeed seem gem-like.

Q - How long have you been painting?

A - Art making since I was a teen.

Q - Why did you want to be an artist ?

I didn’t want to be an artist. I just am an artist. 

Q -  How did you become a member of RIVAA?

A - I was in need of a creative community - I saw the artwork being exhibited at RIVAA, and felt it had a sensibility where I could be understood. It’s important for me to have the support of other creatives. RIVAA has become a place where as a board member, I give back, organizing art and music events for our larger community.

Q - If you could sum up these paintings in a few words, what would they be?

A - Painting is a way to be a more perfect and realized human being.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Wild Turkey Visiting NYC Leaves Congestion And Concrete Jungle Of Manhattan To Explore Open Spaces And Greenery Of Roosevelt Island This Week

A wild turkey has been roaming around NYC in recent weeks, spotted on the streets of Manhattan, Brooklyn and Astoria, Queens.

This week the turkey has been seen 

Photo By Lada Stasko

Photo By Lada Stasko

Photo By Lada Stasko

exploring Roosevelt Island.

Roosevelt Island resident and Wildlife Freedom Foundation President Rossana Ceruzzi reports:
It's a wild female turkey. She has been "traveling" for 3 weeks now. The first time I was called the bird landed on the street in Astoria and was walking on the sidewalk. Then she moved to a park. Later I got a few calls from Manhattan. And now she is visiting Roosevelt Island.

Please remember she is a wild Turkey and not a domestic Turkey. They should never be approached. Wild Turkeys are the largest upland game bird in North America and they reproduce this time of year.

Ms Ceruzzi shares these videos of the Wild Turkey's Roosevelt Island exploration.

More on the Turkey's New York adventure from Pix 11 News.

A resident walking his dog today shares this video of the wild Turkey roaming Roosevelt Island.

UPDATE 5/20:

Roosevelt Island is getting Turkey tourists.

UPDATE 5/26 - Latest on the Roosevelt Island Turkey. 

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Roosevelt Island Tram Maintenance This Afternoon By Operator Leitner-Poma Taking Longer Than Expected Causing Rush Hour Overcrowding On Single Cabin In Operation - Live Real Time Tram Traffic Cameras Will Soon Be At The Tram Stations Showing How Long Are The Lines

Received reports this afternoon of very crowded conditions at the Roosevelt Island Tram. I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Communications Director Bryant Daniels: 

Is there any problem at the Tram? I'm told only 1 cabin has been working since at least 4:20 this afternoon.

Platform is very crowded.

Mr Bryant replied:

Leitner-Poma is performing maintenance on the South Cabin that has run longer than expected. They're working to return the cabin to service as quickly as possible.

 A waiting resident remarked:

The Tramway was a nightmare.

Another resident commented on Roosevelt Islander Instagram post:
What I would give to bring back some, not all, of the yesteryears of Roosevelt Island. When you arrived at the island, the tram seemed to sync up with the RedBus—the days when even New Yorkers didn’t know anything about the island. When I moved here 20 years ago, New Yorkers would verbally spar with me on where I lived. I would say Roosevelt Island, and they would say, “Randells Island.” They were like, “No one LIVES on Roosevelt Island”. There should have been a limit on how many apartment buildings would be here. Oh well, in a year, I’m planning to leave the US. This country is no longer good for my mental/physical health.

During the May 7 Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Committee meeting, RIOC Interim Leadership team member Gerrald Ellis reported:

... that in a few weeks there will be a live traffic camera feed from both the Manhattan and Roosevelt Island Tram stations available for residents to see how large those line are so you can make a decision about using the Tram or the subway. 

UPDATE 4/16 - RIOC sent out this advisory at 7:35 AM:

Dear Roosevelt Island Community:

The South Tram Cabin is back in service. All maintenance is completed. Tram services are back to normal schedule.

Sponsored Post - IDig2Learn Invites You To Participate In Forest Care Day At Roosevelt Island's Southpoint Park Manhattan Healing Forest Sunday May 19, Help Remove Weeds, Spread Wood Chips & Get To Know The Trees - Free Registration

iDig2Learn invites you to participate in Forest Care Day at Roosevelt Island's Southpoint Park Manhattan Healing Forest on Sunday May 19 from 1-3 PM
About the Event

Tend to the forest with us. This pocket forest was born thanks to the community and local partners who came together in early April 2024. Planted in partnership with funder SUGi in conjunction with RIOC, the Lenape Center and friends from the Yakama region, the first three years are vital to help them grow. Hope you can join us to learn more and spend a couple of hours together outdoors in the beautiful Southpoint Park on Roosevelt Island. All ages are welcome. We will bend down close to weed and check on the health of the plants together. Please bring your reusable waterbottle and dress for mess with sun protection as needed. iDig2Learn can't wait to see you! CLICK HERE TO REGISTER.

NBC Nightly News featured local Roosevelt Island resident and iDig2Learn founder Christina Delfico in this May 9 story  about the Southpoint Park SUGi Pocket Manhattan Healing Forest that was planted Saturday April 6.

Ms Delfico and SUGi Project Founder Elise Van Middelem described the Manhattan Healing Forest during the April 6, 2024 planting.

Click here to register for the May 19 Roosevelt Island Forest Care Day.

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

WNYC Poems In Your NYC Neighborhood Series Features Poem About The Tram By Young Roosevelt Island Resident Kyle Shin And It's Terrific - Take A Listen

Roosevelt Island resident Matt Katz reported yesterday:

Sherie and I were listening to WNYC this morning as we usually do. After Brian Lehrer there is a program at noon called, "All of It." They were soliciting poems about local issues, mostly NYC, and they chose a poem about the Roosevelt Island Tram that was written and read by what sounded like a kid, named Kyle Shin.

It's a terrific poem, especially from a little kid.

According to WNYC:

Over the course of April, which is Poetry Month, WNYC producers have been asking our audience to submit their own poems about the places that are important to them, and what’s happening there. We talk about the project, and hear some poems read by the poets themselves along with Amanda Rozon, assistant producer at WNYC's Morning Edition who spearheaded WNYC's listener poetry project.

Here's more on the WNYC Poems From Your Neighborhood series including local resident Kyle Shin's poem about the Roosevelt Island Tram which can be heard at the 10 minute mark.

Take a listen. 

Here's text of the poem:

The Roosevelt Island Tramway by Kyle Shih

The Roosevelt Island Tramway, 

Fresh and clean, 

Empty and idle, 

Ready to do its duty.

The many passengers, 

Some tourists, some residents, 

Ready to board, 

Like on any ordinary day.

The gears and wheels, 

Spinning and turning, 

The tram, jolting, 

Gliding along the thick ropes.

Far above the cherry blossoms, 

Gaining altitude over the East River, 

Leaving Roosevelt Island, 

And entering Manhattan.

Parallel to the Queensboro Bridge, 

Passing by tall residential buildings, 

Entering a swarm of towers, 

And hovering over many cars and trees.

Losing altitude, 

Diving down, 

Slowly moving towards the platform, 

Passengers ready to leave.

Over and over, 

Crossing the river. From 6 AM to 2 AM, 

The tram welcomes all riders.

More info  

on WNYC Poems In Your Neighborhood here.

Monday, May 13, 2024

Six 9 Millimeter Bullets Found On Sidewalk In Front of Roosevelt Island 560 Main Street Building Last Thursday Evening - Ammunition Fell Out Of Bag Carried By Male Licensed To Carry A Firearm Entering The Building Says RIOC

I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department (PSD) Chief Kevin Brown and Communications Director Bryant Daniels today: 

I understand that bullets were found on the sidewalk outside Roosevelt Landings several nights ago and were picked up by Public Safety Officers. 
Is that true? 
Are there any more details about this incident? Any statement from RIOC?
Mr Daniels answered:
At approximately 7:15 PM on May 9th, PSD was alerted to the presence of firearm ammunition on the ground in front of 560 Main Street.  PSD immediately responded to the scene, found and recovered the lost ammunition—six 9mm bullets—and notified the NYPD. 

C&C cameras were then checked, and video was discovered of the ammunition falling out of an adult male’s duffle bag while he was entering the building. The individual was identified by PSD, and he is licensed to carry a firearm in New York. At approximately 7:40 PM, NYPD officers arrived and took custody of the ammunition.

C&C is the managing agent for the Roosevelt Landings 460 Main Street building.

The RIOC May 9 PSD Daily Blotter describes the incident as follow:

05/09/24 -1914 – 560 Main Street – Suspicious Activity- PSD Responded – Report Filed

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Buildings 3&4 Mortgage Refinancing Consent, Eleanor's Pier Emergency Repairs & Executive Session Litigation/Employment Issues Among Items For Tuesday May 14 RIOC Board Of Directors Meeting Agenda

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board of Directors

will meet Tuesday May 14 in the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street) beginning at 6:00 PM. 

You're invited to attend, ask questions and share concerns about Roosevelt Island during the opening Public Session before the start of the RIOC Board meeting. Sign up to speak here.

Among the May 14 RIOC Board meeting Agenda items are:
... Ratification of Consent to Mortgage Refinancing by Riverwalk Place, LLC (Riverwalk 3) and Riverwalk Landing, LLC (Riverwalk 4) (Board Action Required)...


Authorization to Enter into Contract with Cross Contracting, Inc. for Eleanor’s Pier Railing Replacement (Board Action Required)


... Chair’s Motion for Executive Session to Discuss:

a. proposed, pending or current litigation; and

b. the medical, financial, credit or employment history of a particular person or corporation, or matters leading to the appointment, employment, promotion, demotion, discipline, suspension, dismissal or removal of a particular person or corporation... 

Here's more info on the Hudson Related Riverwalk Building 3 & 4 refinancing.

The Executive Session is held in secret without the public allowed to attend. It's possible, though not confirmed, that the employment status of RIOC President Shelton Haynes and General Counsel Gretchen Robinson will be discussed during the May 14 Executive Session. Mr Haynes and Ms Robinson are currently on paid administrative leave pending an investigation of them about workplace concerns raised by RIOC employees.

Here's the full agenda for the meeting.

Board materials with supporting info for agenda items are here.