Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Loud Noises Still Coming From Transcanada Big Allis Ravenswood Power Plant Keeping Roosevelt Island Residents Awake At Night - Are Earplugs The Only Solution For An Uninterrupted Night Of Sleep

 Image Of Transcanada Big Allis Ravenwood Power Plant Across East River From Roosevelt Island

Commenting on the What's On Your Roosevelt Island Mind thread earlier today, a frustrated Roosevelt Landings/Eastwood resident, Ms Cunningham reports:
Once again excessive noise from Ravenswood Power Plant for the past 36 hours straight & still going. All those in Eastwood with Queens facing windows have no chance of sleep. Are there really not any noise related laws that can assist us in reining this in?
Loud noises coming from the power plant is nothing new. Reported last December on the loud noises, sometimes deafening, coming from the Transcanada Big Allis Ravenswood power plant in Long Island City:
 An update to posts earlier this week on the deafening noise that woke up and frightened many Roosevelt Island residents coming from Transcanada's Big Allis Ravenswood Power Plant steam release early Monday morning at around 6 AM....
Responding to last December's steam release from the Transcanada Big Allis plant, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer and other Roosevelt Island elected officials wrote to Transcanada officials urging Transcanada to take:
... steps to mitigate noise disturbances resulting from your facility operations and to improve communication processes with the surrounding community...
Full letter is here.

I am not aware of any response from Transcanada to the letter from Roosevelt Island elected officials but have asked Borough President Stringer's office if there has been one. Will update when responses is received.

Cheshire Kitty responds to Ms Cunningham frustration with a solution - earplugs:
Probably "revving up" because of the big demand for power due to the excessive heat.  The scrubbing noise is even louder, but doesn't last that long.   We deal with it, just as folks in LIC deal with it; there is also a big plant in N. Astoria.  Forget about the pollution that comes out of the stacks - which is why the stacks are so tall.  The thought it the pollution is wafted away from populated areas - hah!  This is the trade-off of not having to pay as much in rent as in Manhattan, or in fact, many other areas that do not face a huge electrical generating plant.  Still, we have to thank Con Ed (or whichever company currently controls Ravenswood):  Without them, there would be no air-conditioning, no refrigeration, no fans.. and in the winter, no electrical baseboard heating.  A handy "fix" for power plant noise:  Earplugs!
Here's the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) discussion of issue from December 2011 Common Council Meeting.


Katie Cunningham said...

Unfortunately there hasn't been anything done by our local elected officials after that letter. A neighbor followed up several times with Jennifer Ashley frm the Manhattan Borough President's Office in an attempt to find a resolution only to have Ms. Ashley stop responding to emails and calls after a couple of vague - "I'll check with my team" type emails. Another neighbor spoke with Tony Morenzi frm Micah Kellner's office this afternoon, who said he left a message for the director of the plant but was generally dismissive with regards to the prospect of actually achieving protection from noise pollution for residents. About a yr ago another neighbor traded a few emails on this subject with Robert Atterbury from Micah Kellner's office and, he too, stopped responding after a few emails with nothing done. This is what's so frustrating about this situation - it seems very clear, this is in no uncertain terms noise pollution - extremely disruptive & unhealthy, however, nobody seems willing to work with residents to figure out how we can be protected. BTW - of course there's still excessive noise coming from the plant, fourth straight day.

Mark Lyon said...

Have you also recorded complaints with 311?  I know it seems useless, but having them recorded by 311 will result in the information being included in noise reports to the DEP, which might decide (possibly, just maybe, one day in the future) to come measure and assess a fine.

Looking at the 311 Service Request map, it seems only 3 complaints have been recorded thus far:

Katie Cunningham said...

I've reported countless complaints to 311. The fact that only three complaints are logged speaks to just how useless the "service" is. In a nutshell, the complaint is referred to the DEP who will then come & check it out 3 - 6 wks later, and invariably close it out with a "nothing found'" type report. 've spoken with "supervisors" @ 311 and reviewed the lengthy reference numbers logged. Their final suggestion was to speak with my local elected officials. More runaround. No resolution. 

CheshireKitty said...

It sounds like those who have tried to complain or bring the matter to the attention of the elected officials are getting the run-around.  You could search on some key terms on Google such as Ravenswood noise pollution, power plant noise control in nyc, and find out if there are other groups that have been lobbying re the noise.  Try searching first on everything, of course news, also blogs, even images sometimes lead to valuable links.  I know that in Brooklyn, there were groups along the then B line in Boro Park that kept pressing the MTA to do something about the screeching trains, that were just outside their windows.  There has to be a similar group probably in LIC or Astoria that keeps tabs on power plant noise and its impact on neighborhood quality of life/property value and so forth.  Another important thing is to log all your communications - phonecalls, emails - keep the reference numbers if they're issued.  You then have a record of action (or inaction).  This is the sort of thing that sometimes gets written up in the Voice or News, and in an expose, the power plant operator or the elected officials at least get embarrassed.  Even so, there's no guarantee that the power plant will fix the problem, however.  The only way to do that is to promulgate (and then enforce) power plant noise control laws, which evidently the elected officials seem unwilling to do. 

Katie Cunningham said...

I agree with you on the media option, several neighbors are currently working that angle, as it always seems the media works much more efficiently than our elected officials - rock the vote, but than shut up and go away. I think it's important that anyone considering a move to RI is fully informed of this issue as it will negatively effect their quality of life. Maybe if the pockets of the developers are in jeopardy, their buddys (elected officials) will step forward. This is unreal.

CheshireKitty said...

I wouldn't give up, at least not yet.  Try to continue to get action from the representatives, from 311, etc.  If there is a consistent picture of either stonewalling or being ignored, give the info to either the Wire or Rick (or both) to write an embarrassing article about official inaction.  The evidence of official inaction is the detailed record of calls/emails you should keep.  Meanwhile, continue to network, complain, gather information on whether there are similar groups in Queens.  If nothing happens after the initial  expose on local media, you should try to get reporters from the Voice/News interested in the issue - especially from the angle that a campus will be located on RI, expensive condos, apartments are already on the island, and why would anyone want to live or study on RI with constant deafening power-plant noise?  Try to get as much attn drawn to the problem as possible - that is the only way to get some action from the gov.  Once property values are affected by the noise problem, then the developers will wake up and start bothering the lawmakers about the noise problem.  If home-owners in Queens could get noise regulations applied to abate deafening airplane noise at JFK/LGA, we ought to do the same thing about Ravenswood noise!  

Katie Cunningham said...

Agreed, I cannot stop trying (I actually require sleep), but have a feeling by the time I get anywhere close to a resolution I'll be priced off the island.

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