Saturday, September 14, 2024

Roosevelt Island Public Safety And NYPD Forced To Shut Down Cj Hendry's Flower Market Public Art Installation At FDR 4 Freedoms Park Today Due To Large Crowds - Over 5 Thousand People Showed Up Today

As reported yesterday

the Roosevelt Island FDR 4 Freedoms Park was hosting "Flower Market" public art installation by artist Cj Hendry this weekend:

... Cj is thrilled to announce her upcoming exhibition Flower Market, a stunning new collaboration with global luxury beauty brand Clé de Peau Beauté and in partnership with Four Freedoms Park Conservancy. Known for creating art on a grand scale, Cj’s latest extraordinary exhibit is no different and features a 120-foot by 40-foot greenhouse built on the lawn of the FDR Four Freedoms State Park on Roosevelt Island. The greenhouse will be filled with 100,000 meticulously crafted plush flowers inspired by the natural radiance and botanicals used in Clé de Peau Beauté products....

Visitors were encouraged to register for free tickets but this morning the Roosevelt Island Flower Market location was overwhelmed with crowds of visitors without tickets. At least 5 thousand people showed up at the gates to Southpoint Park and FDR 4 Freedoms Park 

to attend the Flower Market exhibition.

A Tipster reported: 
 Chaos at south point park, public safety “closed” the flower event due to overcrowding and are telling everyone to exit the park, terrible organization and communication! Hundreds of people still on their way and there is no info on any socials about this so maybe you can share!”. Hoping to avoid another Cherry Blossom Festival disaster

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department (PSD) and the NYPD were forced to close the park in the morning due to the large crowds.

RIOC PSD Chief Kevin Brown was at the subway station explaining to a woman that the Flower Market exhibition was closed due to overcrowding.

According to FDR 4 Freedom Parks Conservancy CEO Howard Axel:

We had to shut down the event in an abundance of caution. And the good folks from NYPD and PSD are assisting us. The event is over and we will open the gates as soon as we can to regular park visitors.

After the park was closed, the line of people already inside was 3 hours long to get into the Flower Market greenhouse

Fortunately, the crowd was well behaved and took the long line in good cheer for the most part.

The Flower Market at 4 Freedoms Park was cancelled for today and tomorrow. Cj Hendry explains:

The event was moved to Industry City tomorrow in Brooklyn.

Roosevelt Island clearly cannot handle events with these type of large crowds. Fortunately, Roosevelt Island PSD and the NYPD were able to safely control the crowds and avoid a repeat of the dangerous overcrowded chaos caused by the 2019 Cherry Blossom Festival.

Today's Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival was not impacted at all 

by the overcrowding at Southpoint and FDR Park.

Sponsored Post - Roosevelt Island Forest Friends Needed To Help IDig2Learn Assemble Over 100 Tree Species Tag Stakes and Finalize A Tree Map For Lighthouse Park On Sunday September 15 - Please RSVP Now To Volunteer

Roosevelt Island resident and iDig2Learn founder Christina Delfico reports:

iDig2Learn has professional tree species tag stakes for the trees of Coler Hospital and Lighthouse Park. Come help us assemble them, learn about the trees on the northern end of Roosevelt Island. Join iDig2Learn  and enjoy light bites and forest-themed body butter samples while supplies last. 

Thanks to a generous grant by NYC Green Fund in partnership with City Parks Foundation and Partnership for Parks and ongoing support by Trees New York, RIOC and many local partners, iDig2Learn has been caring for the new trees at Lighthouse Park. Now we have a chance to finalize a tree map and wish for Forest Friends to help us assemble over 100 professional tree tag stakes on Sunday September 15th on Roosevelt Island. Please RSVP here if you would like to help.

These tags will be placed in the ground on October 26th for City of Forest Day 2024. This way residents and visitors alike can learn more about the vast species of trees surrounding Coler Hospital and Lighthouse Park. 

Image From Jenna Longo

Light bites by Poppa's Pantry, a sample of Niava's Body Butter, sweets by local baker Nia will fuel us (while supplies last) as we learn about the latest efforts to expand our urban tree canopy.

The iDig2Learn Instagram page shares some scenes from the past tree tagging at Lighthouse Park.

Please RSVP to help assemble the Roosevelt Island Lighthouse Park tree species tags on Sunday September 15.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sponsored Post - Roosevelt Island FDR 4 Freedoms Park Hosting Cj Hendry's Flower House Public Art Installation, Custom Greenhouse On Lawn Filled With 100 Thousand Meticulously Crafted Plush Flowers - Martha Stewart Pick Up Her Plush Flower Bouquet At Preview Last Night

The FDR 4 Freedoms Park Conservancy invites you to Cj Hendry's "Flower Market' public art installation this weekend.

According to the FDR 4 Freedoms Park:


Four Freedoms Park Conservancy is thrilled to announce our upcoming event: FLOWER MARKET by Cj Hendry. Known for creating art on a grand scale, Cj’s latest extraordinary exhibit is no different and features a 120-foot by 40-foot greenhouse built on the lawn of the FDR Four Freedoms State Park on Roosevelt Island. The greenhouse will be filled with 100,000 meticulously crafted plush flowers inspired by the Roosevelts and in celebration of the United Nations General Assembly.

A VIP preview was held last night. Among the guests taking home a bouquet was Martha Stewart.

Take a look inside the Cj Hendry's Flower Market exhibit at the FDR 4 Freedoms Park

and visit the Flower Market greenhouse the weekend for your plush flower. (Was just advised that registrations are now full - Sorry)
Why a custom greenhouse and why Roosevelt Island for the Flower Market?

Cj Hendry explains:

To be able to execute the concept to its fullest, we had to attack everything with a sense of scale. We looked at a little flower shop in the city and at other locations but it didn't seem quite right, so we really worked hard to make sure that we were able to get the greenhouse in the most extraordinary location that we could. It’s really exciting to take something like a greenhouse and place it in the middle of New York City where it has no right to be.

Roosevelt Island is iconic in so many ways. Franklin D Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park, in my opinion, is an architectural marvel. The fact that it's between Brooklyn and Manhattan on its own island within New York, I just love it. Also, FDR Four Freedoms Park on Roosevelt Island doesn't do too many collaborations. They don't allow too many people onto the island to do exhibitions like this, so it’s an incredible privilege we’ve been granted. I'm so grateful they're on board with me as an artist and Clé de Peau Beauté as a brand.

More info on Cj Hendry's Flower Market exhibit from this press release:

Cj is thrilled to announce her upcoming exhibition Flower Market, a stunning new collaboration with global luxury beauty brand Clé de Peau Beauté and in partnership with Four Freedoms Park Conservancy. Known for creating art on a grand scale, Cj’s latest extraordinary exhibit is no different and features a 120-foot by 40-foot greenhouse built on the lawn of the FDR Four Freedoms State Park on Roosevelt Island. The greenhouse will be filled with 100,000 meticulously crafted plush flowers inspired by the natural radiance and botanicals used in Clé de Peau Beauté products.

One significant botanical that inspired Cj was the Radiant Lily found in Clé de Peau Beauté’s The Serum, an iconic skincare product beloved by Cj. “The meticulous craftsmanship in CPB’s products really resonates with me and mirrors my own process” says Cj. The plush Lilies will be on display, alongside Cj’s 12 original drawings created for this exhibition. Among the other flowers on display are a bouquet inspired by the Roosevelt family; the yellow Eleanor Roosevelt Rose, Tulips for the Roosevelt family's Dutch heritage, red Roses symbolizing the "Roosevelt" name (field of roses), and Peonies, the signature flower of the Roosevelt farm.

“When the architect Louis Kahn designed this memorial, he said, ‘The garden is somehow a personal kind of control of nature.’ A lot of my work, and in this exhibition especially, is about manipulating my environments and building a space that takes participants out of their ordinary. I hope Flower Market inspires joy and beauty well after the greenhouse is empty, every time we see flowers - plush or otherwise.”- Cj Hendry

Visitors are invited to explore the vibrant field of flowers and take one home with them. Those who cannot experience Flower Market in person can explore a virtual flower market and personalize their own plush white Lily inspired by the Radiant Lily.

“I am thrilled to share this collaboration between Clé de Peau Beauté and Cj Hendry,” says Alessio Rossi, Executive Vice President Clé de Peau Beauté US Marketing.“This partnership embodies the essence of our brand, known for its intelligence, uncompromising standards, and exquisite quality. Cj Hendry's remarkable ability to engage audiences through her masterful craftsmanship and thought-provoking social commentary on luxury perfectly resonates with our values."

CEO of Four Freedoms Park Conservancy, Howard Axel, adds,"We were immediately excited to work with such an exceptional contemporary artist as Cj Hendry and help share her magical work with tens of thousands of visitors. She captures the vision of Louis Kahn and his design 'to be a place of inspired use' as she encourages visitors to see the park through her eyes!"

Open to the public from 10am- 4pm on September 13-15, the plush-filled greenhouse and artworks will be on display for all to enjoy. Stop in and smell the roses.

Exhibit Details: September 13-15 10am - 4pm

Free Ticket Registration:

Visitors are invited to explore the vibrant field of flowers and take one home with them. Those who cannot experience Flower Market in person can explore a virtual flower market and personalize their own plush white Lily inspired by the Radiant Lily.

Unfortunately, registrations are now full.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

19th Annual Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival Mural Painting, Jazz Jam, Classical Music & More Saturday September 14 At Meditation Lawn - See Art, Do Art, Be Art

 The 19th annual Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival takes place this Saturday September 14

at Meditation Lawn where the mural panels were being installed today.
According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC)
Dear Roosevelt Island Community,

RIOC and RIVAA are once again proud to host the 19th annual Fall for Arts Festival on Roosevelt Island’s Meditation Lawn, next Saturday, September 14th, from 10 AM to 5 PM. The event will feature live mural painting, jazz concerts, performances by MSTDA, food vendors, and more!

This year's festival will showcase muralists from across the city, each bringing one of two themes to life: "Waves of Change" and "Hidden Changes." There will also be two jazz concerts in the Roosevelt Island Library Plaza: a jazz jam session from 11 AM to 1 PM, and a jazz concert from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM.

We hope to see everyone for a fun-filled day of beautiful, world-class art next Saturday!

-RIOC Community Affairs

RIVAA Gallery adds:

While you’re out, enjoy some music. There will be a jazz jam session outdoors next to the library. From 3-4 PM at RIVAA Gallery, 527 Main Street, Juilliard musicians Jimmy Shen and Jiaxun Yao will perform the following program:

Schubert Wanderer Fantasy in C major, D.760

Mozart Rondo in F major, K.494

Boccherini Sonata in C minor G.2

Schumann Three Romances Op.94 We invite you to join us for this complimentary concert. If you wish to show your appreciation and support these talented artists, donations are welcome and greatly appreciated.

We are hoping for good weather, but in case of rain, all events will take place on September 15th.

Here are some scenes

from the 2022 Roosevelt Island Fall For Arts Festival.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Roosevelt Island Remembers 9/11 Terrorist Attack On World Trade Center Towers, Pentagon And Flight 93 - Honors Those Who Died During Ceremony Today At Remebrance Tree In Good Shepherd Plaza

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) hosted a 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony this morning in Good Shepherd Plaza.

RIOC Communication Department Director Bryant Daniels shares his 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony opening remarks:

It’s a pleasure to have you all join us this morning for our annual 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony here at the memorial plaque and remembrance tree in Good Shepherd Plaza.

Before we get started, I want to take a moment to recognize a few special individuals who have joined us today:

From RIOC’s Leadership Team, Acting-Coo Mary Cunneen and Counsel Lada Stasko; and RIOC Board Members Howard Polivy, Lydia Tang, and Ben Fhala.

Today marks the 23rd anniversary of the tragic events of September 11th, 2001. 23 years may seem like a long-time, but for those who were personally impacted by the horrific tragedy that occurred, the pain and memories can feel as fresh today as they did then. That’s why we come together for moments like this, as a community, not to relive our shared trauma, but to honor our shared humanity.

Nearly 3,000 people died in the terrorists attacks on 9/11, and thousands more have been taken from us in its aftermath due to 9/11 related illness. These people were mothers and daughters, fathers and sons, family, friends, and neighbors to us all. When we say “Never Forget” we aren’t talking about the horror we endured; we’re talking about those people, their lives, and what they meant to those who loved and cared for them. “Never Forget” means remembering the sacrifices of our brave first-responders, and the unparalleled heroism they showed in the face of unimaginable danger. Some of those brave men and women are here with us today, on our island, still serving the peace as members of our Public Safety Department. Others are no longer with us, but their presence and impact on this island can still be felt, especially when walking along Firefighters and Jack McManus Fields.

Roosevelt Island lost nine of its own on 9/11, and today we’re here to honor their memories. We’re also here to remind ourselves that for many, the 9/11 fight still rages on. In fact, more New York City Firefighters have died in the last 23 years due to 9/11 related illness than were lost in the actual terrorist attacks. Supporting the 9/11 community today is just as important as it was then and will be just as important 23 years from now. Ceremonies like this one are important because they keep those impacted at the forefront of our collective consciousness, which in turns helps lift all of us up through difficult times. So, let’s lift each other up today, stand in solidarity with one another, and try to celebrate the lives and memories of all those affected 23 years ago today.

Finally, I just want to say thank you again to everyone who has joined us here today for this important event. Thank you as well to our PSD officers and first-responders for all that they do. Our leadership in PSD, Chief Kevin Brown and Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso, both served at Ground Zero on 9/11 and for many weeks after. I want to now turn it over to Chief Brown to offer his special remarks.

Mr Daniels adds:

This morning’s event was a moving, somber affair that I hope captured the significance and gravity of the occasion with great respect. Chief Brown and Deputy Chief Amoroso spoke eloquently and from the heart about the meaning of this day, drawing from their experiences at Ground Zero on 9/11 and in the days that followed. 

We were also joined by community member Winston Bailey, who shared his personal memories of that fateful day and the importance of the annual remembrance ceremony to him. Following the speeches, Chief Brown read the names of the Roosevelt Islanders who lost their lives in the attacks. 

A moment of silence was observed, and then community members, RIOC, and PSD officials gathered to lay white roses at the memorial plaque, honoring both those who have passed and those still affected by the aftermath of 9/11. About 30-40 people attended the ceremony.

It's been 23 years since the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center Towers, Pentagon, and the downing of Flight 93 in Shanksville Pennsylvania. This is how it looked that day seen from the Rivercross building.

Main Street Wire Image of 9/11 Smoke Burning From World Trade Center by Vicki Feinmel/Linda Heimer
Roosevelt Island's Main Street Wire local newspaper reported on the 9/11 attack at the time.

September 12,2001

September 22, 2001

September 7, 2002

Roosevelt Islanders who died in the 9/11 terrorist attack on the World Trade Center are honored at the Roosevelt Island 9/11 Remembrance Tree 

and Memorial Plaque.

in Good Shepherd Plaza.  The Roosevelt Islanders who died on 9/11 are:
Ed Beyea,
Anthony J. Fallone,
Taimour Khan,
Scott Larsen,
Kevin J. Smith and the firefighters who were based on Roosevelt Island
Deputy Chief Ray Downey,
Deputy Chief Charlie Kasper,
Battalion Chief John Moran, and
Battalion Chief John Paolillo.

Former Roosevelt Island Public Safety Chief and NYPD Assistant Chief Jack McManus died of 9/11 World Trade Center related cancer.

On the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in 2021, Roosevelt Island residents gathered together to remember and honor their neighbors who were killed.

In 2023, RIVAA Gallery hosted a 9/11 Remember The Heroes exhibit organized by one of today's  speakers,Winston Bailey, and his wife Eileen Bailey, both retired NYPD officers.

Always remember 9/11.