Friday, September 6, 2024

Roosevelt Island Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance Offering London Academy Of Music & Dramatic Arts Acting And Public Speaking Lessons For Kids & Adults - You're Invited To Saturday September 7 Open House To Learn More About All MST&DA Programs

Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance (MST&DA) Executive Director Kristi Towey reports: 

We are so excited to offer London Academy Of Music & Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) acting and public speaking classes and private lessons to ages 5 and up. The program is a wonderful compliment to our performance theatre for ages 8+. This past year, all LAMDA students from MSTDA earned Distinctions and Merits from the in person examinations conducted by a LAMDA examiner from London.

Tomorrow morning, September 7th, we have our Open House from 9:30-noon. We welcome anyone to stop by if they have questions about any of our programs. There will be a LAMDA demo class for ages 5+ at 9:30am. Email MSTDA to reserve a spot in a demo class or to get more information at

According to the MST&DA:

MSTDA’s successful LAMDA program expands further after an amazing set of results!

Since its launch at MSTDA two years ago the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA) program has grown from strength to strength.

MSTDA is proud to be one of only a few centers in the country that are able to offer the Internationally recognized LAMDA qualifications to young people and adults alike.

The Learners spend the academic year working towards their LAMDA assessment covering all aspects of theater and performance - as well as public speaking and for our younger Learners poetry and reading.

Each program is designed to instill confidence and increase self expression and communication skills in a fun learning environment whilst maintaining integrity and discipline of a professional drama training program.

Led by the LAMDA Representative for the US, Mark Waite, and experienced LAMDA tutor, Kiat Sing Teo, this year has seen our largest number of entrants and all students received Distinctions and Merits across the board.

Connor Ausman - who you may have seen playing Leonard Vole in the MSTDA production of ‘Witness for the Prosecution’ earlier this year, managed to achieve a Distinction in the Gold Medal Award - the highest accolade LAMDA can give and one of only five awarded in the entire US this year.

As one of the oldest drama schools in the world - the LAMDA Exam program is now available in over 150 countries and the newly appointed Patron is none other than Benedict Cumberbatch.

Each year, over 100,000 people from diverse backgrounds and abilities take LAMDA exams, united by their enthusiasm for communication and performance and a desire to succeed.Higher level exams (medals) offer UCAS points for UK universities and are valid for American college applications.

This year saw our first visiting assessor since we began the program. The Chief Examiner, Ms Linda Macrow, flew in from London to assess our Learners directly and was impressed with the high standards achieved at MSTDA, which was reflected in the results achieved.

New Programs and Continuing Enrollment

With the new academic year upon us we have decided to expand the program further and will be inviting 12 of our top theater students aged 11 - 16 years to join an exclusive program that will enable them to focus purely on Acting for the Theatre and support the many production-led programs MSTDA are known for.

Selected learners will explore theatre-making and acting fundamentals.For more information on the syllabus, visit LAMDA Exams

This sits alongside our Introductory and Junior LAMDA programs for ages 5+ as well as the one-to-one sessions which also focus on Speaking in Public.

The program culminates in a showcase for parents. This engaging syllabus builds confidence, enhances collaboration, improves language skills, and strengthens memorization, all while ensuring fun

Enrollment is now open for all of our LAMDA programs and other classes at MSTDA with scholarships available. To learn more about LAMDA at MSTDA, visit their website here - To view the full Fall schedule and register for classes, click here -

Here’s to another successful year as MSTDA aims to become the leading LAMDA Centre in the state, if not the country! Contact for further details on any of our LAMDA offerings.

As reported earlier this week, MST&DA is holding cast auditions for their upcoming Adult Workshop production of Nöel Coward's comedy Blithe Spirit on Sunday September 8.

MST&DA is located at 548 Main Street.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

West Nile Virus Found In NYC, Health Department Spraying Pesticides To Kill Mosquitos And Prevent Spread Of Disease - Virus Not Detected For 10044 Zip Code Yet And No Spraying Scheduled For Roosevelt Island

The mosquito borne West Nile virus has been detected in some NYC neighborhoods. According to the NYC Health Department: 

West Nile virus is spread through the bite of an infected mosquito. West Nile virus can infect humans, birds, horses and other mammals.

Most people infected with West Nile either have no symptoms or experience a mild to moderate illness. People who are older than 60 have the highest risk of becoming severely ill. There is increasing evidence that people with weakened immune systems are also at higher risk.

West Nile season in NYC occurs between May and October.

Learn about upcoming mosquito control events.

The NYC Health Department will be spraying pesticides in these neighborhoods to kill mosquitos and prevent spread of the West Nile virus.

I asked the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) today if there will be mosquitio spraying to reduce the risk of West Nile disease on Roosevelt Island?

RIOC Communications Department Director Bryan Daniels replied:

RIOC and New York City do not have any scheduled spraying on Roosevelt Island.

West Nile virus has not been detected yet in the Roosevelt Island 10044 zip code

according to the NYC Health Department West Nile Virus Positive Mosquitoes Table.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

RIOC Adds New Roosevelt Island $115 Thousand 14 Seat Shuttle Bus To The 2 Red Buses Currently In Service Beginning Tomorrow - It's White But We'll Call It Red

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced this evening:

Dear Roosevelt Island Community:

Earlier this week we put a second bus back into service on Main Street in preparation for the start of the school year. Starting tomorrow, we will also be adding a new smaller bus, the RIOC Red Bus Shuttle, to help supplement service.

Though not actually red, our new Red Bus Shuttle seats 14 passengers and can accommodate two wheelchairs, which can access the bus via a wheelchair lift on the back right side of the vehicle. There is also some standing room for additional passengers. The shuttle will have signage indicating that it is a free Red Bus Shuttle available to all island travelers and will make all local stops on the island.

Because this bus is brand new, it has not been outfitted with the tracking technology needed for integration with the Transit app. But the Red Bus Shuttle will depart the Octagon approximately 5 minutes after the larger 40-foot Red Bus leaves at the top and half of every hour:

X:00AM – Local Red Bus leaves Octagon

X:05AM – Red Bus Shuttle Leaves Octagon

X:15AM – Local Red Bus leaves Octagon

X:30AM – Local Red Bus leaves Octagon

X:35AM – Red Bus Shuttle Leaves Octagon

X:45AM – Local Red Bus leaves Octagon

Until further notice, we will continue running the Red Buses along the abbreviated travel loop, and service will continue to end at 1AM nightly.

Thank you all again for your patience as we work through these maintenance issues. We deeply appreciate your understanding.


RIOC Executive Team

As reported September 1:

As reported last August 12:

... due to maintenance issues only 1 of 5 Roosevelt Island Red Buses are currently working. Roosevelt Island residents are experiencing long waiting times and overcrowding when the only working Red Bus does arrive at their stop....

and on August 27:

... Roosevelt Island has been down to 1 or 2 Red Buses since late June. Here's more on the Roosevelt Island Red Bus problems....

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced Friday August 30:

Dear Roosevelt Island Community:

Once again, we deeply appreciate your patience as we work to restore full Red Bus service on the island.

Starting this coming Monday, September 2nd we will be returning 2 Red Buses to Main Street during rush hour (7AM-10AM, 3PM-7PM) and resuming the following schedule during those hours:

Local Red Bus service on Main Street will run on an every 15-minute schedule beginning at the top of the hour from the Octagon:...

Click here to get the Roosevelt Island Red Bus GPS Transit app.

Remember that the Red Bus GPS app is still in testing phase.

UPDATE 9/5 - The new shuttle bus cost RIOC $115 Thousand.

Roosevelt Island Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance Holding Auditions For Adult Workshop Production Of Noel Coward's Comedy 'Blithe Spirit" On Sunday September 8 - Registration For Fall Classes Open Now Too

The Roosevelt Island Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance (MST&DA) is holding auditions for their Adult Workshop production of Noël Coward's comedy Blithe Spirit.

According to the MST&DA:


A heavenly comedy of ghostly proportions.....

In-Person Auditions Sunday, September 8th


Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance on Roosevelt Island is pleased to announce their next Adult Workshop production will be the multi-award winning comedy - Noel Coward’s ‘Blithe Spirit’ - which will run from Dec 12 - 21. Directed by Mark Waite, we will once more give an MSTDA ‘twist’ to a classic theatrical piece.

About the show: The smash comedy of the London and Broadway stages, this much revived classic from one of the twentieth centuries most admired playwrights offers up fussy, cantankerous novelist Charles Condomine, remarried but haunted (literally) by the ghost of his late first wife, the clever and insistent Elvira who is called up by a visiting ‘happy medium’, one Madam Aracarti. As the world's (and unworldly) personalities clash, Charles is faced with the dilemma of facing both his current wife – the recently married Ruth, whilst placating his previous one – who is out to win him back – whatever it takes! Throw in a disbelieving man of medicine, Dr Bradman and his chatty wife, along with a clumsy maid and you have a comedy that has withstood the tests of time and is as popular now as when it was first performed.

Seeking: We are seeking a cast of men and women with acting abilities to play principal and supporting roles. Audition is required to join this production class. If unable to attend, virtual auditions will be accepted.

Click here for more info.

Questions? Contact Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance at

MST&DA Executive Director Kristi Towey adds: 
This will be director Mark Waite's second adult production at MSTDA. His first one, 'Witness for the Prosecution', in March of this year was so well received, we extended the show into a second weekend of performances. We are so excited to have him directing 'Blithe Spirit' this year. I'd love to share it with your readers and hope we get some new interest! We have so many talented people on Roosevelt Island!

Also, registration is now open for Fall classes at MST&DA

Explore the various classes available for all ages at MST&DA.

Here's how you get to the MST&DA.

Click here for more info on MST&DA, classes and auditions for the Blithe Spirit adult workshop. production.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Op-Ed Announces "Your City Wants To Help Put Money In Your Pocket" Initiative - Outreach Program To Help Residents Learn More About City, State And Federal Programs That Can Make Life "More Affordable, Equitable And Livable"

New York City Mayor Eric Adams submitted the op-ed article below to local NYC community media including Roosevelt Islander Online. According to Mayor Eric Adams:

Community Op Ed: Your City Wants to Help Put Money in Your Pocket

New York is a city that works for our people, with resources available to help hard-working residents afford the cost of housing, child care, health care, transit, and more. But all too often, the New Yorkers most in need of these programs are not aware that they qualify for them and don’t take advantage of the benefits they are entitled to.

That is why our city is taking important steps to make sure New Yorkers know how to get the support they need and deserve with our new “Money in Your Pocket” initiative. This new outreach program will help residents across the five boroughs screen for or learn about more than 70 city, state, and federal programs that can make life in New York City more affordable, equitable, and livable.

Led by the Mayor’s Public Engagement Unit, city workers and trained students will visit underserved neighborhoods across the city to help thousands of New Yorkers find out which benefits they may be eligible to receive.

Some of these benefits include:

  • The Earned Income Tax Credit, which puts money back into the pockets of working people to help with rent, bills, and groceries.
  • The Child Tax Credit, which helps families afford the everyday expenses of raising a family, like school supplies and clothes.
  • The Fair Fares program, which brings down costs of transit fares for young people, seniors, and low-income earners,
  • And the Rent Freeze programs that help seniors stay in their homes.

While these programs have been a success in driving down costs, too many New Yorkers still don't know about them, or they simply don't have the time between working two jobs and trying to feed their families to navigate the system and get the help they need.

I know, because I’ve been there.

As someone raised by a single mother who had to work several jobs to support our family, I remember how my mother would go to a government office and walk out more broken than she was when she walked in. That’s not how government should operate. We must always be working for the people, uplifting them, opening doors and making it easier to get by — not making life more difficult for those already struggling.

I have made it my mission to make sure all New Yorkers know that they can turn to their city for support. Since taking office, our administration has helped New Yorkers save more than $30 billion through launching, administering, and helping New Yorkers take advantage of programs across all levels of government.

This includes saving families and working-class New Yorkers $345 million through the Earned Income Tax Credit, giving New Yorkers in public housing access to free high-speed internet and basic TV through Big Apple Connect, and eliminating medical debt for 500,000 New Yorkers — saving them an estimated $1.8 billion.

Putting money back into the pockets of New Yorkers is critical for everyone who lives here — older adults, young families, and, of course, our youth. We want every person who calls this city home to have access to the benefits that can make life more affordable and equitable.

Our ‘Money in Your Pocket' initiative will build on this record of success and expand opportunity and prosperity to hard-working New York City families.

I encourage all New Yorkers looking for answers and support to visit for a highlight of dozens of the benefits they may qualify for.

We are building a city that expands opportunity and prosperity to every neighborhood and community because New Yorkers deserve their fair share, and your city is now going to deliver that to you.

Here's today's weekly Tuesday Off Topic media availability with Mayor Adams and senior NYC officials

and my June 2023 interview with

Mayor Adams.

Roosevelt Island Church Of The Good Shepherd Hosting A Bilingual Holy Eucharist Service Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month Sunday September 8

The Roosevelt Island Episcopal Congregation at the Church of the Good Shepherd

invites you to a bilingual Holy Eucharist Service celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with soloist Reina Muñiz at 9:30 A.M. on Sunday September 8 followed by refreshments after the service.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Latest Roosevelt Island Red Bus Update - RIOC Announces 2 Red Buses Will Be In Service Starting Monday September 2 And They Are Working To Add More Buses Before School Starts Later In The Week

As reported last August 12:

... due to maintenance issues only 1 of 5 Roosevelt Island Red Buses are currently working. Roosevelt Island residents are experiencing long waiting times and overcrowding when the only working Red Bus does arrive at their stop....

and on August 27:

... Roosevelt Island has been down to 1 or 2 Red Buses since late June. Here's more on the Roosevelt Island Red Bus problems....

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced Friday August 30:

Dear Roosevelt Island Community:

Once again, we deeply appreciate your patience as we work to restore full Red Bus service on the island.

Starting this coming Monday, September 2nd we will be returning 2 Red Buses to Main Street during rush hour (7AM-10AM, 3PM-7PM) and resuming the following schedule during those hours:

Local Red Bus service on Main Street will run on an every 15-minute schedule beginning at the top of the hour from the Octagon:

X:00AM – Local Red Bus leaves Octagon

X:15AM – Local Red Bus leaves Octagon

X:30AM – Local Red Bus leaves Octagon

X:45AM – Local Red Bus leaves Octagon

For the time being, we will continue to run service on the abbreviated loop to help keep riders moving expeditiously. Nightly service will still conclude at 1AM until further notice.

These buses will be visible on the Transit app, so if you haven’t downloaded it yet, we encourage you to do so. We are also still working to add more buses to the schedule by next week in advance of the upcoming start to the school year on September 5th.

As we have more updates on future service adjustments, we will be sure to share them with the community. Thank you all again for your understanding as we work through these issues. We hope you enjoy the holiday weekend.


RIOC Executive Team

Click here to get the Roosevelt Island Red Bus GPS Transit app.

Remember that the Red Bus GPS app is still in testing phase.