Thursday, June 21, 2012

Community Board 8 Cornell Roosevelt Island Task Force Meeting Tonight - Come Learn What Is Going On With Proposed Cornell NYC Tech Campus And Provide Input With Your Questions and Concerns

Cornell Power Point Presentation From May 8 2012 Cornell Roosevelt Island Task Force Meeting

The Community Board 8 (CB 8) Cornell/Roosevelt Island Task Force will be meeting tonight.

According to CB 8:
Meeting Date:
Thursday, June 21, 2012 - 6:30pm
Meeting Location:
The Child School/Legacy H.S.
566 Main Street
New York, NY

1 - An update by Cornell University on the Technology Graduate School on Roosevelt Island
2 - A discussion of the ULURP process
3 - Feedback from Roosevelt Island residents on their issues/concerns

Nicholas D. Viest and James Clynes, Co-Chairs
During the May 24 conversation between Roosevelt Island residents and Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Directors, support was expressed for the Cornell NYC Tech project, but strong concerns were expressed over the impact of the project's development on Roosevelt Island's inadequate infrastructure as well as who will pay for the necessary repairs and improvements. RIOC is certainly not in a position to provide funds for these repairs and improvements. Here's the discussion.

Like Roosevelt Island, the Harlem community is also about to undergo a university development project but with Columbia expanding its campus not Cornell building a brand new one. According to this June 9, 2012 NY Post article:
After years of delay and ineptitude, the West Harlem community may finally get its hands on a $76 million fund from Columbia University.

The money is meant to lessen the burden of Columbia’s expansion in the neighborhood but has been in jeopardy because of the mismanagement of the group in charge of it.

Columbia has given only $3.5 million to the West Harlem Local Development Corp. because the group has been in chaos. It had no director, office or way for the community to apply for money....
Will Roosevelt Island advocates and negotiators, be they RIOC, CB 8, RIRA, Silicon Island Coalition or elected officials be able to secure a similar fund for Roosevelt Island needs?

More information on the May 8 Cornell Roosevelt Island Task Force meeting including video of Cornell's presentation of their plans available at this post.