Friday, May 24, 2024

Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine Says With Congestion Pricing Coming Soon It's Time For NYC To Implement Residential Parking Permits - RIOC Says Residential Parking Permits "On Our Radar" And Will Be "Discussing Issue In Future"

Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine is calling for New York City to implement residential parking permits.

According to Borough President Levine's May 17, 2024 NY Daily News article:

... Neighborhoods like Inwood, Washington Heights, and Harlem face unique parking challenges. Their proximity to major bridges and highways makes them prime targets for commuters seeking free parking. They dump their cars on the street for free, jumping on the subway for destinations in the Manhattan core. 

As a result, residents who own cars often compete for spots with drivers from out-of-state neighboring areas, leading to frustration and inequity. This frustration is not just an inconvenience; it disrupts daily life, increasing tension among local residents who need access to convenient parking near their homes. 

The upcoming implementation of congestion pricing could exacerbate this issue. As drivers seek to avoid the congestion fee by parking outside the designated zone south of 60th St., some neighborhoods could become even more saturated with out-of-state vehicles. This could further strain communities already saturated with congestion, making it harder for residents to find parking and access their homes conveniently....

... why hasn’t this program been implemented yet in New York City? Like so much else, this is a case in which we can’t make local policy without permission from the state government.

Albany has shown again and again that they don’t have a problem with residential parking permits. After all, they have authorized them in cities and towns all over the state — from Buffalo to Albany to New Rochelle. But New York City has, so far, not even been given the option. It’s time for this to change.

State authorization would only be the beginning of the process for us. The City Council would then have to pass legislation to establish a program, setting out the rules, pricing, and mechanism for enforcement....

Click here for the full article.

Last Monday, May 21, I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Communcations Director Bryant Daniels:

Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine has called for a residential parking permit for residents of Manhattan neighborhoods.

What is the view of RIOC about implementing a residential parking permit for Roosevelt Island.

Does RIOC have the authority to implement a residential parking permit system?

Can this be discussed at tomorrow's REDAC meeting?

RIOC Deputy General Counsel and interim leadership team member Gerrald Ellis replied:

I think it’s safe to say that we anticipate that we will be discussing this issue in future committee meetings and community advisory groups.

RIOC Board Director Ben Fhala added:

... While we are not yet ready with news on this particular topic, it has been on our radar for the last few months and is currently under review by the team....

During the June 13, 2023 RIOC Public Safety Department (PSD) Community Engagement meeting, residents discussed Roosevelt Island parking problems with PSD Chief Kevin Brown.  

According to a resident speaking at the meeting:
... parking is getting worse and worse every week on Roosevelt Island. Every spot on every street is taken... 
and once Manhattan congestion pricing is implemented, Roosevelt Island parking will be even a greater problem than it is now.

Among the ideas discussed were limiting street parking spots to holders of permit stickers issued by RIOC.

Here's the discussion.

and a March 5, 2024 WNYC radio report on NYC residential parking permit issue.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Passion To Create A Happier World For Cats And The Humans Who Love Them Sparked Idea For First Children's Book By Author And Roosevelt Island Resident Stephen Quandt - Follow The Adventures Of Happy Comes Home

Roosevelt Island resident Stephen Quandt works as a nationally recognized, certified feline training and behavior specialist, based in New York City with his company Stephen Quandt Feline Behavior Associates. 

Mr Quandt is now a recently published children's book author of Happy Comes Home.

According to Mr Quandt:

I started working with cats and clients in 2002, and in time began working for the ASPCA. I now work at one of the largest open admission shelters in the country, the Animal Care Centers of NYC. My passion is to create a happier world for cats and the humans who love them, and this passion sparked an idea for my first children’s book; Happy Comes Home. My husband Thom illustrated the book and we wrote it as a way of connecting with people, children and their families who either want to get a cat, or maybe have a cat who has some behavior challenges, or just love a great feel-good story about a cat!

Photo Credit Linda Becker

The premise is we have a family: mom, dad and their child Avery who all want a cat (Avery very much wants a cat!) and they go to a shelter and find a sweet looking cat whom they name ‘Happy’. They adopt Happy and bring this wonderful cat home imagining all the great things Happy would do, like stretch out on the sofa purring, sleep at the foot of Avery’s bed, and eat yummy food while the family ate their dinner. But when they got Happy home, it was a “cat-tastrophy!” Happy scratched up the sofa, stole the family’s dinner and woke the parents up in the wee hours of the night. The parents wanted to return Happy but Happy was Avery's best friend, so something had to be done.

The family did some online research and found a certified ‘Catsultant’ named Mr. Top Cat who coincidentally resembles a feline version of myself. Mr. Top Cat appears at the door to help set things right. And what follows are a series of easy to take in teachable moments that help guide the family and Happy so that everyone can be the happiest versions of themselves. Mind you, Happy has always been a super happy cat, just a cat without manners!

Thus begins the adventures of a cat, a child, and a family trying to find the happiness so many of us seek with our feline friends. Would Happy be allowed to stay? Would Happy settle down? The answers lie in the bond between Happy and Avery, and the common sense behavior tools that Mr. Top Cat brings to the family using his deep understanding of the nature of cats.

You can purchase Happy Comes Home at Amazon.

Learn more about Mr Quandt at his website.

Also, Mr Quandt shares his experiences Helping The Dogs Of Chernobyl at this prior post.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Watch Video Of Last Night's Roosevelt Island Public Safety Community Engagement Meeting With Residents Discussing Variety Of Local Issues - NYPD Narcotics Search Warrant/Arrest/ Main Street Traffic Safety, Sidewalk Marijuana Smoking, Unleashed Dogs On Ballfields, Duane Reade Shoplifting & More

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department (PSD) hosted a Community engagement meeting last evening, May 21. RIOC PSD Chief Kevin Brown and Communications Department Director Bryant Daniels spoke with and answered questions from about a dozen Roosevelt Island residents at the Good Shepherd Community Center.

Chief Brown emphasized the low level of crime on Roosevelt Island but acknowledged there are instances of domestic violence and incidents related to mental illness. 
Among the issues discussed were:
  • Petit larcenies (shoplifting) at Duane Reade have decreased from 46 at this time last year to eight this year. Chief Brown attributes the decrease to having a PSD officer stationed  in Southtown near the Duane Reade,
  • Main Street traffic safety - cars, motorcycles, bicycles, delivery drivers, (average 800 parking summons a month and 20-25 moving summons)
  • NYPD Narcotics Officer executed a Search Warrant and arrested a juvenile at 460 Main Street,
  • Dogs running unleased on ballfields chasing children and adults,
  • PSD giving tickets and towing cars from private building driveways,
  • Decrease in quality of life caused by outdoor marijuana smoking and loitering in front of Roosevelt Landings. Chief Brown replied that it is legal to smoke marijuana outdoors and there is nothing PSD can do about it. 
  • Deputy Chief Anthony Amoroso met with local girl scout troop to learn personal safety skills.
Here's the full video of the May 21 RIOC PSD Community Engagement meeting.

Turn on the subtitiles/closed captions if you're having trouble hearing what is being said.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Roosevelt Island Main Street Retail, Roadway Improvements, Coler Berm Design Process, Steam Plant/Stacks/Tunnel And Master Lease Extension Among Agenda Items For May 22 RIOC Real Estate Advisory Committee Meeting

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Real Estate Development Advisory Committee is meeting Wednesday May 22.

According to RIOC:

PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a meeting of the Real Estate Development Advisory Committee of the RIOC Board of Directors will be held on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. at the Good Shepherd Community Center, 543 Main St, Roosevelt Island, New York 10044.


1. “Focus on Main Street” Discussion Regarding the Responsibilities of the Housing Companies, Hudson Related under the Master Retail Sublease, and the Retail Tenants.

2. Update on Current Projects:

  • a. Roadway Improvements
  • b. Coler Berm Design Process
  • c. Steam Plant/Stacks and Steam Tunnel

3. Discussion of Possible Master Lease Extension

4. Any Other Committee Business that May be Brought Before the Committee.

Main Street retail was discussed during the May 1 RIOC Operations Committee meeting. RIOC Directors asked Hudson Related's David Kramer and leasing representative Didier Ruiz about the current status of Main Street retail including: 

  • the process by which tenants are selected,
  • the appearance of Main Street storefronts,
  • obtaining a medical practice and
  • some RIOC directors expressed unhappiness with what they believe is Hudson Related's lack of communication with the Board. 

Here's video of the May 1 Operations Committee meeting. The Main Street retail discussion begins at the 1 minute 10 second mark.

RIOC OPS Committee Meeting May 1 2024 from Diva Communications on Vimeo.

Monday, May 20, 2024

You're Invited To May 21 Talk By Artist Diana Cooper About Her Roosevelt Island "Double Take" Mosaic Mural - A Ten Year Odyssey From Start To Finish Before Installed In Front Of MTA's East River Ventilation Tunnel

As reported July 14, 2023: 

On Wednesday July 6, the plywood wall was removed from the front of the MTA's East River Ventilation shaft across from the Roosevelt Island F Train subway station to unveil the Double Take mosaic by artist Diana Cooper....

The Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS) is hosting a free lecture by Ms Cooper about the "Double Take" mural tomorrow evening, May 21, at the NY Public Library Roosevelt Island branch (504 Main Street) beginning at 6:30 p.m. You're invited to attend the free lecture.

RIHS President Judy Berdy reported at the Double Take unveiling last July :



The story starts in February, 2013 when the RIHS asked RIOC to find a better design for the wall outside the vent shaft building across from our subway station.

When at a RIOC Operations Committe meeting I learned of the project and that a brick wall was the idea planned for the wall. The RIOC Operations Committee approved the idea and informed New York Transit.

Little did I know this would be a 10 year odyssey.

The first step was for architects to come and examine the site. They arrived by subway and commented on the ugly site of the vent shaft building obstructing the Manhattan skyline.

A time later MTA Arts for Transit (now MTA Art & Design) held a meeting with a committee of professional including curators, artists, political representatives and staff to select a group of artists to be asked to submit designs. After reviewing the work of about 25 artists the group was down to five candidates.

After submissions by three artists (two were not available) Diana Cooper was chosen. This was just the beginning of the project that suffered from many delays....

I spoke with Ms Cooper

and Ms Berdy


in May 2022 about the Double Take mural.

More on the Double Take mural from Ms Cooper's website.

Sponsored Post - NYC Small Business Services Hosting Small Business Month Expo Wednesday May 29 Providing A Variety Of Free Information, Resources And Services That Address Needs Of Small Business Owners At All Stages, Industries And Boroughs

According to the NYC Small Business Services:

In May 2023, Mayor Eric Adams and NYC Department of Small Business Services (SBS) Commissioner Kevin D. Kim announced the launch of “Small Business Month” to promote New York City’s diverse small businesses throughout the month of May, expanding on “National Small Business Week” recognized each year.
Join us to celebrate Small Business Month 2024

NYC Small Business Month Expo: Wednesday, May 29

SBS is hosting the first-ever NYC Small Business Month Expo to provide a variety of free information, resources, and direct services that address the needs of small business owners of all stages, industries, and boroughs.

Access 100+ free city programs, agencies, and partner resources – all under one roof:

  • Faster city permits and licenses
  • Financing and legal assistance
  • Contracting with the City of New York
  • Free consultations, workshops, and networking
  • … and much more!