Friday, October 11, 2024

You're Invited To A Roosevelt Island Blessing Of The Animals Sunday October 13 At Church Of The Good Shepherd - Bring Your Dog, Cat, Bird, Snake, Horse, Goat And Any Other Pet Companion Or Just Come To Watch

Roosevelt Island resident Verna Fitzpatrick invites you to join in: 

Celebrating Saint Francis of Assisi by the blessing of pets at the Church of the Good Shepherd on Sunday, October 13th at 9:30 a.m. 

Here's last Sunday's Blessing of the Animals at Manhattan's Cathedral of St John The Divine.

I don't know if we have a horse, goat or camel on Roosevelt Island but we do have Rosie the Turkey.

Some non-residents call the Roosevelt Island Turkey, Astoria.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Wow, Northern Lights Seen From Roosevelt Island Tonight, A Space Scientist Tell Us Why

Chloe Larson shares this photo of the Northern Lights seen this evening from Roosevelt Island.

Here's an explanation of why we're able to see the Northern Lights tonight in NYC.

And the Northern Lights scene

from my favorite movie,  Local Hero.

Changes To Roosevelt Island Tram Service, Red Bus Service Shortage, Reports Of Animals Being Exposed To Toxins and Ravenswood Power Plant Renewable Energy Transition Plans Discussed At October 7 Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Committee Meeting - Watch The Very Interesting Video

Community Board 8 (CB 8) Roosevelt Island Committee Chair Paul Krikler hosted a very informative Zoom meeting discussion on Monday October 7 with Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Communications Department Director Bryant Daniels. Among the topics discussed were:

  • Slowing down the Tram cabin speed and decreasing number of hourly trips to reduce swinging Tram Problem,
  • Red Bus Service shortage,
  • Reports of animals being exposed to toxins and
  • Upcoming October 26 Hallowen Parade.
There was also a very interesting presentation by representatives of Rise Light & Power about the redevelopment plan for transitioning their Long Island City Ravenwood Power Plant from fossil fuels to renewable energy transmission.

The next CB 8 Roosevelt Island committee virtual meeting will be on November 4. You are invited to attend and share your ideas and concerns.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Haki Compost Collective Roosevelt Island Food Scrap Drop Off Site Is Back Every Saturday At Motorgate Plaza - NYC Sanitation Department Begins Citywide Mandatory Curbside Compost Collection Including Roosevelt Island - Watch Video Of DSNY Commissioner Jessica Tisch Explaining The Curbside Compost Collection Program

The Roosevelt Island Haki Food Compost Collective (Haki) returned to Roosevelt Island at the Motorgate Plaza last Saturday 

after suspending service in December 2023 due to NYC Mayoral budget cuts.

According to Haki:

Hi Haki Compost Collective family, droppers and supporters,

We had a picture perfect day last Saturday October 5th to kick off the first Saturday back serving the Roosevelt Island community after a ten month hiatus.

Nearly 70 neighbors dropped off their organics to our green bins and we collected 454 pounds of food scraps that will be processed into compost with the return of longtime compost partners Big Reuse. In spring compost will return to our urban soils including island landscape, tree pits, gardens and even house plants.

We wish to thank the Lenape Center for giving us the name Haki and all the neighbors who stopped by to express the joy of our return. It feels good to have a healthy option and divert valuable material from going to landfill.

We will be at the Motorgate Plaza every Saturday from 9 am to 2 pm year round. Please stop by to find out more. Haki Compost Collective volunteers will be on hand to answer questions, tell you more about volunteer opportunities and of course collect your food scraps.

Please spread the word and share these flyers and tips on what to drop-off with your neighbors.

And Save the Date for the 10/20 Compost Carnival at Battery Park.

See you at the green bins soon,

Corinna & Christina (Haki Compost Collective volunteers)

Also, the NYC Department of Sanitation (DSNY) is expanding a mandatory citywide Curbside Composting program this month. According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):

... New York City Department of Sanitation is also launching a new composting initiative citywide, and Roosevelt Island buildings will be included in the program. DSNY will be delivering composting bins to each building, and residents will be able to discard food scraps and food-soiled paper in those bins, which will then be transported to a larger composting container in the AVAC yard. DSNY will then collect the food scraps weekly and transport them to a composting facility in Staten Island. Please reach out to your building management for more information on when your building will be receiving its collection bin. To learn more, please visit the DSNY Composting site.

The NYC Mayor's Office reported on October 7: 

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) Commissioner Jessica Tisch today announced the completion of the roll-out of automatic, guaranteed, free, simple, weekly collection of compostable material to every New Yorker across the five boroughs. When trucks left DSNY garages serving the Bronx, Staten Island, and Manhattan just after 5:00 AM today, they were making good on a promise that the past administration had made for over a decade. That promise was long derided as impossible, but Mayor Adams committed to making it a reality in his 2023 State of the City address. This program, which began in Queens in the fall of 2022 and expanded to Brooklyn in the fall of 2023, is now permanent and offered citywide — something achieved with a focus on sustainability, cleanliness, equity, and efficiency.

“It’s simple: when food scraps end up in black bags on the street, they become rat food or methane emissions. said Mayor Adams. “Starting today, curbside composting is free and pain-free on every block and in every borough — something prior administrations have tried, but we got it done. I’m grateful to Commissioner Tisch and the dedicated sanitation workers who work day-in, day-out to make this program possible and keep our streets clean for New Yorkers.”....

DSNY Commissioner Jessica Tisch described the new CurbsideComposting program during a September 25, 2024 roundtable presentation to the NYC Ethnic & Community media.

I asked Commissioner Tisch:

... do you have any metrics on how program has worked so far in the boroughs and will the program be working on Roosevelt Island?

Commissioner Tisch answered:

Yes. So let me start with the Roosevelt Island question and then we'll turn to numbers.

Absolutely the program will work on Roosevelt Island and on Roosevelt Island it will be slightly different than the way the rest of the City Works. The compost on Roosevelt Island will be handled the exact same way that recycling is handled on Roosevelt Island so again it will be set out on your recycling day. It is then taken to a centralized location where we then come and collect....

I also asked:

On Roosevelt Island I think we have three or four of the composting bins. I've been trying to get statistics on the use of those bins on either a weekly or monthly basis but haven't been able to do that yet. Is that possible?
Are there metrics on compliance rates by Property Owners.
Commissioner Tisch answered:
... Yes we can get that information to you absolutely. You're asking for the one specifically on Roosevelt Island, Yes we can get that to you....

... In terms of data ... last year to give you a sense, we diverted 260 million pounds of organic material...

In regard to compliance rates by property owners, Commissioner Tisch said:

... not yet and the reason why not yet is because we have not yet begun our enforcement of organic waste separation. As I mentioned earlier that will begin in the spring of 2025 and the idea there is as I mentioned before we want to give all New Yorkers, all 8.3 million New Yorkers, an opportunity to develop the muscle memory to learn how they're going to start separating their food and yard waste before we start any meaningful enforcement and once enforcement starts then we will have more data around compliance and or lack of compliance....

Here's video of the full NYC Curbside Composting roundtable. 

Shortly afterwards, a DSNY spokesperson reported:

You had asked about the use of Smart Composting Bins on Roosevelt Island. From the start of 2024 through the end of September, the bin at River Road was opened 4,199 times, the bin at West Road was opened 1,194 times, and the bin by the tram was opened 4,208 times.

I followed up:

Do you have info on the amount by weight collected in each bin too?

The DSNY spokesperson replied:

We do not weigh the contents of each bin each time we empty it. Also, many of our Smart Composting Bins are collected on the same trucks that pick up compostable material from schools, so we do not have weight data specific to the Smart Composting Bins.

I asked:

Do you keep any metrics on the smart bins other than number of openings?

If you do, what are they for the Roosevelt Island bins?

DSNY spokesperson replied:
The number of opens is our primary metric for measuring smart bin use.

More info on the DSNY Curbside Compost Program and Haki Comost Collective Roosevelt Island Saturday Food Scrap Drop Off collection site.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Remember The Famous NYC Subway Pizza Rat That Went Viral In 2015? Now Meet The Roosevelt Island Pizza Eating Squirrel Seen Today

Do you remember the famous NYC Subway Pizza Rat that went viral in 2015?

A Roosevelt Island Tipster shares this video taken today near Manhattan Park and reports:

Have you seen a Squirrel eat a pizza?

Now you have.

FDNY Rescues 2 Riders Stuck In Roosevelt Island F Train Subway Station Elevator This Morning

 A Tipster shares this photo

and reports that the FDNY rescued people stuck in the Roosevelt Island F Train subway station this morning. According to the Tipster:

People stuck at the elevator in the Train Station at 6:15 a.m. Fire workers came to open the doors. I saw at least 2 people inside the elevator car on the street level.

A FDNY spokesperson adds:


Call rec @ 0603 hrs.

Report of a stuck elevator

2 occupants stuck approx.. 20 minutes frm time call was received

Members accessed the occupants and removed them from the stuck elevate

No injuries

The MTA Elevator Status report page reports 

that both Roosevelt Island elevators are in good service.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

You're Invited To Roosevelt Island: Art, Memory & Community Panel Discussion October 8 At RIVAA Gallery - Amanda Mathews, Gina Pollara & Susan Rosenthal Discuss The Beauty And Quality Of Roosevelt Island Built Environment With Chris Vail Moderating

 RIVAA Gallery invites you to a very interesting panel discussion on Tuesday October 8.

According to RIVAA Gallery:
Roosevelt Island: Art, Memory, and Community | Panel Discussion

Tuesday, October 8th @ 7 PM, RIVAA Gallery

Join us for a discussion in conjunction with the current photographic exhibition, Roosevelt Island: The Vision Revisited. RIVAA will bring together three distinguished panelists, who through their talent and remarkable efforts, have contributed to the beauty and quality of our built environment on Roosevelt Island.

- Amanda Matthews is a sculptor and creator of The Girl Puzzle, a tribute to groundbreaking investigative journalist Nellie Bly. Through her reporting, Nelly Bly changed how mental illness was treated in this country.

- Gina Pollara, Executive Director of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Park from 2006-2013, oversaw the construction of the memorial designed by architect Louis I. Kahn to commemorate the 32nd President of the United States.

- Susan Rosenthal, President and CEO of Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC) from 2016-2020, conceived the idea of a monument to Nelly Bly.

- Chris Vail, exhibiting photographer of Roosevelt Island: The Vision Revisited will moderate.

I spoke with Mr Vail about the panel discussion during a recent interview for his current exhibit now showing at RIVAA Gallery.

Click on the beginning of the video for the full interview with Mr Vail.

Here's more info about Mr Vail's exhibition.