Friday, June 5, 2020

Exclusive First Look At Hudson Related Riverwalk Park Affordable Housing Building For Roosevelt Island Residents June 6, Register For Virtual Event Now - 300 Roosevelt Island Resident Applications So Far, 50 Thousand Total

As reported May 7:

The lottery application for Roosevelt Island's new affordable housing building developed by Hudson Related  at 460 Main Street, known as Riverwalk Park,...
is currently open thru July 6.

According to Riverwalk Park Developer Hudson Related:
Exclusive First-look at Riverwalk Park

Related & Hudson Companies would like to invite residents of Roosevelt Island to an exclusive first-look at Riverwalk Park on June 6th at 12 pm. Riverwalk Park will be 100% affordable for individuals and families that earn between 40-165% of the Area Median Income. Fifty percent of the units are reserved for current residents of Manhattan Community Board 8.

We’ll talk timing, the application process, and we’ll detail exactly how we calculate your income and assets for this program. More than anything we wanted an opportunity to talk to you. Please don’t forget to RSVP.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Roosevelt Island Community Event Registration

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

To learn more about applying please visit

As previously reported:
Riverwalk Park will have 313 affordable units including apartments ranging in size and price of:
  • Studios $506 - $1,961
  • 1 Bedroom,$648 - $2,468
  • 2 Bedroom &$791 - $2,974
  • 3 Bedroom $909 - $3,432

.... There are a total of 340 residential units in the building, but the building will have 27 units set-aside for formerly homeless households. Those 27 units will not be available via the lottery process, because the City keeps a list of formerly homeless households that will be the only households eligible for initial lease-up of those units....

A Related representative reports that Riverwalk Park opening occupancy is ahead of previously announced January 2021 schedule.

and residents who are selected for the homeless families component of allocated units will start moving in as early as August. Winners of the affordable housing lottery units  will move in soon thereafter.

50% of the units are reserved for residents of Community Board 8 which includes Roosevelt Island.

Here's the breakdown of Riverwalk Park affordable housing units by size,price and household number.

Rents and corresponding household income ranges are based on 40%, 50%, 80%, 130%, 165% Area Medium Income (AMI). The AMI for a family of 4 in New York City is $113,700. Eligible incomes for Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Park range from  $20,298 (1 person studio) to $232,650 (7 person 3 bedroom) depending on apartment and household size.

Click here for more info on Riverwalk Park and here for the NYC Housing Connect lottery application. 

Also, sign up here for  June 6 Roosevelt Island Riverwalk Park info session.

Good luck.

UPDATE 6/28: