Sunday, December 8, 2013

Pouring Rain But Spirits Still High For Roosevelt Island Tree Lighting Ceremony Last Friday - Wonderful Singing Performances, Santa, And A Lit Tree - Here Are Some Scenes

2013 Roosevelt Island Christmas/Holiday Tree At Blackwell Plaza

It was a rainy, miserable night last Friday

for the 2013 Roosevelt Island Tree Lighting Ceremony but for those in attendance spirits remained high and they enjoyed the good cheer of the crowd, music, the arrival of Santa

and the lighting of the tree.

Here are some scenes starting with the welcome and introduction by Roosevelt Island Seniors Association President Delores Green of event organizers Anna and Carlene from the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC), greetings from Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) President Ellen Polivy and then a wonderful performance by the children of the Roosevelt Island Youth Program Beacon (RIYP).

More terrific singing from the RIYP Beacon kids

and an excellent rendition of Come All Ye Faithful from RIOC Public Safety Officer Deborah Viel who was introduced by a soaking wet RIOC Public Safety Department Director Jack McManus.

Despite the bad weather, it was a nice Roosevelt Island event and now the Tree

is lit

for everybody to enjoy.