Friday, March 13, 2020

Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation Cancels Friday Night Services & Programs Due To Coronavirus Emergency - RIJC Hopes To Offer On Line Services In Near Future

 Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation (RIJC) Rabbi Joel Shaiman and President Nina Lublin report:

With deep concern for the health and well-being of our community members, we’ve decided to cancel all our Friday night programming at the RIJC this week, including our 7:00 pm service. We made this decision with the assistance of several of our community members, and we are closely following the CDC recommendations for community and religious organizations.

We are disappointed, but we feel that it is most prudent to join in with many other synagogues in this extreme “social distancing” in the hope that it slows the spread of this disease and, by so doing, allows us all to gather again together soon.

We encourage you to participate in Friday night services on-line, as several local synagogues are live-streaming their services:
We are evaluating the possibility of the RIJC providing a similar on-line experience in the weeks ahead.

In the meantime, we wish you all a Shabbat shalom, and a prayer for health and healing. Please feel free to reach out directly to either one of us during the days ahead if we can be of any assistance or support.
The Forward reports on Jewish Online Streaming services for teens and adults.