Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Roosevelt Island Governance Bill Sponsored By State Senator Serrano Passes NY State Senate - Waiting On State Assembly To Pass

Received the following message from Roosevelt Island's representative to the NY State Senate, Jose Serrano's office:
The New York State Senate today unanimously passed a bill (S7985/A10392), sponsored by Senator José M. Serrano (D-Manhattan/Bronx), that will improve the governance of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC), while making it more representative of the residents of the area by improving accountability and increasing transparency and openness within the Corporation.

"This bill is designed to help Island Residents play a more active role in their governance," said Senator Serrano. "Just as Roosevelt Island is a wonderful, one-of-a-kind treasure to our city, it also has distinctive needs that are specific to the area."

RIOC, which has been managing Roosevelt Island since 1984, has also been responsible for overseeing the Island's development and allocating state capital funding. This legislation will reconstitute the RIOC board by requiring that all of its public members be residents of Roosevelt Island, and will improve the board's accountability by requiring that elected officials be provided with any and all information received by board members in board meeting agendas. It also stipulates that some of the board's public members are to be appointed upon the recommendation of the local elected officials representing the island.

"Elected officials are uniquely familiar with the challenges and needs of our constituents," said Serrano. "Providing electeds with all of the information received by the board further qualifies them to make informed recommendations as to who would be capable of working toward finding solutions to any problems facing the Island," said Senator Serrano.

The bill also improves openness and transparency within the board by specifying that meetings of the board, or any committee within the board, be subject to the open meetings law. In addition, it specifies that prior to hiring the chief executive officer of the corporation, the board must hold a public hearing to interview at least three qualified candidates for the position. During this hearing, Island residents will have the opportunity to get their questions answered by the candidates.

The bill has not yet passed the Assembly, where it is carried by Assemblyman Micah Kellner (D-Manhattan).

Here is link to the full Senate Bill S7985 on Roosevelt Island governance and:
SUMMARY OF SPECIFIC PROVISIONS: -reconstitutes the RIOC board into a nine member body, with the commissioner of the Division of Housing and Community Renewal (DHCR, and the NYS Budget Director serving as ex-officio members, and seven public members appointed by the governor subject to the advice and consent of the senate-one upon the recommendation of the local member of the state senate, one upon the recommendation of the local member of the state assembly, and two upon the recommendation of the mayor of the city of New York, all seven public members being residents of Roosevelt Island; -provides that the elected public officials who represent Roosevelt Island shall be provided with all information received by board members for all board meeting agenda items; -provides that all meetings of the board of directors or any committee of the board shall be subject to the open meetings law; -requires purchase and contracts to be entered into in accordance with a program adopted under ? 2879 of the public authorities law; -provides that prior to hiring the chief executive officer of the corporation, the board shall hold a public hearing to interview at least three qualified candidates for the position where at residents of Roosevelt Island can question the candidates;, and -requires that any expenditures of the corporation be in accordance with the adopted budget or a modification approved by the board of directors. -act to take effect on the thirtieth day after it shall have become a law.