Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Board Of Directors Meeting Wednesday December 15, Agenda Includes Approval Of Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012 Budget - Sign Up Today To Speak Prior To Meeting

 Image of August 2010 RIOC Board Of Directors Meeting At Manhattan Park Theater Club

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp. (RIOC) will be holding it's December Board of Directors meeting Wednesday, December 15 starting at 5:30 PM. The meeting is being held at the Manhattan Park Community Center instead of the Good Shepherd Community Center.

Prior to the start of the Board meeting there will be a period of time for members of the community to comment and ask questions of the Board Members. According to RIOC:
A 30-45 minute public comment period wherein those who sought to address the Board would have pre-registered, with time for any speaker limited to two (2) minutes. Pre-registration would be accomplished by addressing RIOC at its web site or in person at RIOC's office prior to the day of the meeting. Public comment should be for the purpose of receiving comment, not to engage in debate or colloquy with board members. The Chair would control the time and limit for each speaker.

By scheduling the public comment period as above, the town hall style session following alternate Board meetings should be obviated. The RIRA meetings now held the evenings before each Board could function as the equivalent of a town hall meeting, with Board members attending as they wish, but with the expectation that a senior RIOC staff person would also attend to answer questions on Agenda items.
If you want to speak to the RIOC Directors make sure you sign up today. Below is the Agenda for RIOC's December 2010 Board Of Directors Meeting.

DECEMBER 15, 2010
5:30 P.M.1

I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
1. October 12, 2010 Board Meeting (Board Action Required)
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
1. Approval of the Proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2011-12 (Board Action Required)
2. Authorization to Enter Into Contract with ENVAC Scandinavia AB for AVAC Transport Piping Repair
(Board Action Required)
3. Authorization to Enter Into Contract with Power Cooling, Inc. for Installation of Sound Shield Condensers on the
Public Safety Roof (Board Action Required)
4. Authorization to Amend the Contract with CNA Enterprises for Resetting Z-Brick Pavers (Board Action Required)
5. 2011 Meetings of the Roosevelt Island Operation Corporation Board of Directors (Board Action Required)
6. Presentation of the FY 2010-2011 QTR 2 Procurement Report
7. Committee Reports
a. Audit Committee
b. Governance Committee
c. Operations Advisory Committee
d. Real Estate Development Advisory Committee
8. Public Safety Report
9. President's Report
VI. Adjournment 1

1 The RIOC Board Meeting will commence following a public comment period, which is not a part of the RIOC Board Meeting.
The entire Proposed RIOC fiscal year 2011-12 Budget is here for your review. More on RIOC's Proposed 2011-2012 Budget here and here.


Anonymous said...

I am unable to attend the RIOC meeting tomorrow but would like the RIOC Board to reconsider installing chargers for electric cars at Motorgate at this point in time.
The money can be better spent by installing more sheltered benches for the elderly and handicapped so they can wait for a pick-up or bus where the driver can see them.
There are far more elderly and handicapped people than owners of electric cars on Roosevelt Island

Anonymous said...

I'm also against installing chargers for electric cars at Motorgate. This will benefit only a few people.

How about spending this money to finally fix elevators at the northern side of Motorgate. These elevators are an eye sore and haven't been working for at least 10 years!

Or use the money to install a shelter with benches for the bus stop next to the tram.

Anonymous said...

Whoever said that they were doing one or the other. Everyone is for benches. Also the money for charging stations comes from federal grants.

Anonymous said...

It is nice to know that the charging stations will be covered by federal grant but let us not try to encourage the Federal Government to pay these costs for that reason alone.
Have the costs already been approved ?

Anonymous said...

You guys are hilarious. So there is an initiative to encourage alternative technologies and you don't want them because benches are better?

Different pots of moneys. They all have a purpose. How about cutting the military budget and quadruple the budget to do research into alternative energy resources instead? We could discuss this day in, day out.

Anonymous said...

FYI: RIOC has just installed a passenger shelter for the bus stop across the street from the tram.

Anonymous said...

Questions for RIOC about passenger shelter for the bus stop at the Tram;

Don't they know what the majority of the residents want?
Do they care more about the car owners than the bus passengers?
Do they want to discourage residents from using our new tram?

The arguments against having the bus stop on the same side of the street as the tram (i.e. where it stopped for 30+ years)are specious.

Anonymous said...

That bus shelter and stop there is a temporary fix. They are planning some changes to the route soon that should allow same side pickup.

Anonymous said...

The majority of RIers don't care much if the bus stops on the north or the south side of the street. They all understand that walking a couple more steps is not going to kill them.

I have talked to many people who take the bus and the only thing that pisses everybody off is the bus not being in sync with the tram right now.

Anonymous said...

Sherie, if you want to rant & complain at the Board meetings, put your name on the list to speak - like everybody else.

Anonymous said...

She thinks b/c her husband is back to being the leader if RIRA, she is somebody now.

When Farance was leading the residents association, she was kept in check. Now, she thinks she's in charge as the 1st lady. Sound familiar?

Helstein for RIRA President!