Monday, August 26, 2013

Presentation On Roosevelt Island Hurricane Preparedness And Evacuation By NYC Office Of Emergency Management Tuesday August 27 - Roosevelt Island Now In 2 Separate Hurricane Evacuation Zones

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) President Ellen Polivy reports on NYC Office Of Emergency Management (OEM) Roosevelt Island Hurricane Evacuation Zone presentation taking place tomorrow August 27 at the Manhattan Park Community Center (8 River Road).

OEM to speak about Roosevelt Island's new evacuation zones:

Thanks to the efforts of City Council member, Jessica Lappin, On Tuesday August 27, Office of Emergency Management will be holding a meeting on Roosevelt Island to tell us about our new evacuation zone. It appears that Roosevelt Island is now split between two evacuation zones. The new zones have more refinement in determining which zones to evacuate during any given emergency. On August 27, we will learn more about this. Meeting will take place from 6:30 to 7:45 at the Manhattan Park Theater Club....

As reported last June:
... The new NYC Hurricane Evacuation maps place Roosevelt Island in separate zones.
All of Roosevelt Island had previously been in the same evacuation zone but the updated NYC hurricane evacuation plan has Roosevelt Island in two separate zones. Coler Hospital and the Octagon Building are in Zone 2 and the rest of Roosevelt Island is in Zone 3.

Click here for the NYC Hurricane Evacuation Map.