Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center Reaches Out To Reclusive Resident To Help Provide Needed Services, You Can Help Too - Senior Center Seeking Increase In RIOC Public Purpose Funds

During today's Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center General Meeting, Executive Director Lisa Fernandez recounted a story about helping a reclusive Roosevelt Island resident obtain needed services that the resident did not know were available.

The story begins with a Roosevelt Island resident telling Ms. Fernandez about a neighbor banging on her door and that something seems very wrong. The resident added that she had only seen her neighbor a couple of times in 10 years.

Ms Fernandez, a Senior Center Case Worker and Public Safety Officer went to the neighbor's apartment to see if any help was needed and wanted.

Listen to Ms Fernandez explain what happened next.

If you know of a Senior who may need some assistance, contact the Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center (546 Main Street, 212-980-1888) and they may be able to help.

Also, discussed at the General Meeting was the RIRA Public Purpose Funds recommendation for the Senior Center of $3,250 which is significantly less than the recommendations for other Roosevelt Island non profit organizations. Ms Fernandez asked the Senior Center members to support efforts to obtain a larger Public Purpose Funds grant for additional Senior Programs.

Stay tuned for more on this issue.