RIRA Recommends $150,000 RIOC Public Purpose Funds For Roosevelt Island Non Profit Organizations - Was Carter Burden Senior Center Slighted With Much Smaller Amount Than Others?
The final meeting of the Roosevelt Island Residents Association 2016 -18 Common Council approved the recommendations of it's Public Purpose Funds (PPF) committee for distribution of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) 2018 Public Purpose Funds in the amount of $150,000 for 10 Roosevelt Island non profit organziations.
PPF Committee Chair Dave Evans reported to the November 7 final meeting of the 2016-18 RIRA Common Council meeting.
Below is RIRA Public Purpose Funds recommendation transmittal letter to RIOC President Susan Rosenthal:
The RIRA Common Council’s four member PPF Committee reviewed the RIOC-provided applications of ten Roosevelt Island 501c organizations. Each is seeking funds for their respective program(s). After reviewing the Committee report during its meeting on November 7, 2018, the RIRA Common Council approved it for transmittal to Ms Rosenthal and her appropriate staff. The Common Council is very pleased that RIOC increased the funding availed from $100,000 to a total of $150,000. Of course, the Common Council hopes to see further increases aimed at an eventual steady state of three percent of the RIOC operating budget per legislation approved by Governor Cuomo.and PPF monetary distribution recommendations for Roosevelt Island non-profit organizations.
Further to the above, it is with pleasure that we provide you the attached funding recommendations for your review and approval. If any questions, please let us know and also when this matter will be on the agenda for review and approval consideration of the Corporation’s Board. The Committee will provide under separate cover other forms that RIOC requires.
We thank RIOC for its continued commitment to support the community. The PPF program is evidence of that. Additionally, we thank you for continuing to allow the RIRA-Common Council to provide inputs to the important process of availing funds to qualified Roosevelt Island applicants.
Roosevelt Island Residents Association – Common Council FY 2018 – 2019 Summary of Public Purpose Fund (PPF) Committee Funding Recommendations Date Committee Finalized – November 6, 2018The RIRA recommendations ranged from $9,750 to $29,500 for 9 of the 10 Roosevelt Island non profit organizations. Left far behind was the Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center who received a recommendation for much less - $3,250.
Approved November 7, 2018
1. PS/IS 217 Parent Teachers Association (PTA)
Amount Requested: $33,500 Amount Recommended: $15,500
Committee Decision and Recommendation: The funds are only for the Salvadori Center program comprised of and representative of the School*s diverse population of 6th through 8th graders.
2. Life Frames, Inc.
Amount Requested: $27,150 Amount Recommended: $11,250
Committee Decision and Recommendation: The funds are to be used to help cover the nature teacher*s salary.
3. Wildlife Freedom Foundation (WFF)
Amount Requested: $10,000 Amount Recommended: $9,750
Committee Decision and Recommendation: To help the WFF in meeting its mission of rescuing, assisting, and rehabilitating stray animals on Roosevelt Island -- as the Director deems appropriate.
4. Roosevelt Island Visual Arts Association (RIVAA)
Amount Requested: $24,700 Amount Recommended: $18,750
Committee Decision and Recommendation: Funding is to support ensuring an operable heating and cooling (HVAC) system. To help better assure cost-effectiveness, there should be at least five years on the lease.
5. Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS)
Amount Requested: $31,000 Amount Recommended: $18,000
Committee Decision and Recommendation: The funds will be used as the Director deems appropriate in support of salaries for kiosk workers, maps, Historian support, but not for Cornell.
6. Island Kids
Amount Requested: $25,000 Amount Recommended: $ 12,750
Committee Decision and Recommendation: The approved funding is primarily for the emerging young adults program and to help with scholarships for the most needy young kids.
7. Main Street Theater and Dance Alliance
Amount Requested: $39,000 Amount Recommended: $29,500
Committee Decision and Recommendation: The funds are to be used as deemed appropriate and/or proportionate to support meeting the objectives of scholarships, a summer musical theater camp, and some limited community outreach -- all with keen efforts to promote broad diversity -- encouraging diversity by helping minorities who are underrepresented in the programs offered.
8. Carter Burden Network
Amount Requested: $20,000 Amount Recommended: $3,250
Committee Decision and Recommendation: The funds are aimed at helping to fund an instructor for a class of choice.
9. IDig2Learn
Amount Requested: $21,700 Amount Recommended: $14,500
Committee Decision and Recommendation: The funds are aimed at funding a manager and/or visiting contractors for uses relevant to the needs of the applicant.
10. Roosevelt Island Disabled Association:
Amount Requested: $20,000 Amount Recommended: $16,750
Committee Decision and Recommendation: The funds are intended for use in supporting trips and other activities as determined by the Director. It is strongly recommended that research and planning is undertaken for an upgraded transportation bus. Overall, the use of funding, given the aforementioned language in this section, is at the discretion of the Director.
The final decision on distribution of Public Purpose Funds is made by RIOC.
Below are links to the Roosevelt Island non profit organizations seeking Public Purpose Funds:
- PS/IS 217M Parent-Teacher Association
- Life Frames
- Open Space Institute (IDig2Learn)
- Island Kids
- Roosevelt Island Disabled Association (No web site)
- Carter Burden Network
- Roosevelt Island Historical Society
- Main Street Theatre and Dance Alliance
- Roosevelt Island Visual Art Association
- Wildlife Freedom Foundation