Tuesday, December 4, 2018

First Full Meeting Of Roosevelt Island Residents Association 2018-2020 Common Council Wednesday December 6 - New Members, New President & You're Invited For Public Session To Raise Your Issues And Ask Questions Too

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council will hold it's monthly meeting tomorrow evening, December 5 at 8:00 PM in the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street).

Image Of November 2018 RIRA Common Council Meeting

The RIRA Common Council meets the first Wednesday of the month (except when not in session for July & August).

As always, prior to the start of each monthly meeting there is a Public Session in which residents can come and address the Common Council Delegates on any issue of concern. All members of the Roosevelt Island community are invited to attend.

Last month's November RIRA meeting was the final session for the 2016-18 Common Council and first session for the 2018-20 Common Council. Meet the new RIRA Common Council

and new RIRA President Lynn Strong Shinozaki.

Below is the Draft Agenda for December 5 RIRA meeting.

We the residents of Roosevelt Island, come from diverse backgrounds and have diverse interests and circumstances. We all want to live together in harmony based on mutual respect and the voluntary sharing of certain responsibilities for our common good. We form this community association to enable us to define, maintain and promote our common objectives in a democratic manner.


To represent the interests of its members to all governmental, quasi-governmental and private institutions that develop policy affecting Roosevelt Island and its residents: that supervise or manage our housing and that supervise or manage other Island operations;

To ensure that the health, safety and welfare of its members and the QUALITY of life in our community are maintained and improved.

Date: Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Time & Place: 8:00pm, Good Shepherd 543 Main St Roosevelt Island (lower level)

1. Public Session (please sign-in to be placed on the Public Session Speaking List)
2. Roll Call of Common Council Members
3. Adoption of Agenda
4. President’s Call for Treasure
5. President’s Report
6. Old Business
a. Approval of November 7th Report Common Council 2016-2018
b. Approval of November 7th Report Common Council 2018-2020
c. Treasure Pro Tempore November Report
d. Nominations Committee Report
e. Island Services Committee Report
f. Youth and Education Committee Report
a. Adoption of Consent Agenda
• Organization Expenses for 2018-2020
1. Mail Box expense
2. Paypal Fees
3. Meeting Agenda Packets
4. Tax Filing Costs
5. DOE Permit for Voting space at PS/IS 217 2020
7. President’s Call for Standing Committee Chairs
a. Communications Committee
b. Governmental Relations Committee
c. Housing Committee
d. Island Services Committee
e. Legal Action Committee
f. Planning Committee
g. Public Safety Committee
h. Social, Cultural and Educational Services Committee
8. New Business
At last month's November RIRA meeting, Frank Farance and the 2016-2018 Common Council thanked former President Jeff Escobar for his 5 years of service to the Roosevelt Island community.  At the suggestion of his daughter, Mr Escobar ended his term with a mic drop saying:
Escobar out.

and thanked the 2016-18 Common Council members for their service.