Monday, December 3, 2018

Meeting On Future Funding Of The Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center Programs Tuesday December 4 - Free Breast Cancer Mammogram Screening Wednesday Too

According to the Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center:

Tuesday, Dec 04th Join us for a very important General Meeting with Bill Dionne at 2:00 p.m. regarding fundings for the programs at the senior center. We will also be sharing upcoming events and much more. Light refreshments will be service.

The Carter Burden Network web site reports:
... From its small beginnings with one person working in the Council office, the Carter Burden Network has grown into an agency with 12 programs in 7 locations and more than 80 employees. Now we serve approximately 5,000 seniors every year across the borough of Manhattan, with a significant expansion into East Harlem and on Roosevelt Island in the past few years....

As previously reported, the recent Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Public Purpose Funds recommendations to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) for the Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center was significantly less than other Roosevelt Island non profits:
... The RIRA recommendations ranged from $9,750 to $29,500 for 9 of the 10 Roosevelt Island non profit organizations. Left far behind was the Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center who received a recommendation for much less - $3,250.

The final decision on distribution of Public Purpose Funds is made by RIOC....
The Roosevelt Island Daily reported that some saw the RIRA Public Purpose recommendation as a slap in the face of Seniors:
Protest hit my inbox soon after the news was out. "Did you see this?" asked one resident. "Something is really wrong. This has to be adjusted." Easier said than done, but lets see if RIOC blows another one, letting the insular Common Council get away with a feelingless slap in the face to seniors....
However, as noted on Page 10 of the Carter Burden 2018 Audited Financial Statement, the Roosevelt Island Senior Center does receive free use of its space from RIOC:
... The Organization uses space at the Leonard Covello Senior Center, Lehman Village Senior Houses, and Roosevelt Island Center without charge. The estimated fair value of $1,761,270 has been recorded as an in-kind contribution and is reflected on the statement of functional expenses as contributed space....
Not sure if any other Roosevelt Island Public Purpose Funds applicant receives free rent space from RIOC.

Also, at the Carter Burden Roosevelt Island Senior Center::
Wednesday, Dec 05 Sign up for a free Mammography Screening sponsored by Mount Sinai from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

Call 212.980.1888 to sign up.