Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Roosevelt Island Resident Wakes Up To Find Television Missing From Apartment - 7 Burglaries In June & More Public Safety Incidents Reported From June Blotter

The 8/7 - 8/8 RIOC Daily Public Safety Report indicates (See Blog's Sidebar for report):
Burglary- Victim woke up and television was missing. Search made by PSD with negative results.
Yesterday, I inquired of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp  (RIOC) VP of Operations Fernando Martinez and Public Safety Department Director Keith Guerra:
Do you have any comment on this matter including which building the burglary occurred, time of day, reports from others of  recent Roosevelt Island burglaries and apartment break - ins and recent meeting between NYPD, Roosevelt Island Public Safety, Urban American Management and Roosevelt Landings residents.
Have not had any response from RIOC at the time this post is published.

Examples of other recent reports regarding Roosevelt Island burglaries, robberies and break ins include the following.

The 08/01/11 - 8/02/11 RIOC Daily Public Safety Report indicates (See Blog's Sidebar for report):
Investigation - Tenant reported that unknown person tried to gain entry. PSD conducted search with negative results.

Burglary - Tenant reported that unknown person took property from her apartment. NYPD was notified.
The 7/29 - 7/30 RIOC Daily Public Safety Report indicates (See Blog's Sidebar for report):
Burglary- negative result, report filed, under investigation.

Robbery- negative result, report filed, under investigation
The 7/28 - 7/29 RIOC Daily Public Safety Report indicates (See Blog's Sidebar for report):
 Possible Burglary - Tenant reported property taken from apartment. PSD responded, there appeared to be no forced entry.
The 7/27 -28 RIOC Daily Public Safety Report indicates (See Blog's Sidebar for report):
Missing property - Victim stated he noticed property taken from his apt when he woke up in the morning. NYPD report refused.
RIOC does not provide the location of incidents in their Daily Public Safety Report.

The latest monthly RIOC Public Safety Department Statistics note that there were seven reported burglaries during the month of June and a total of 13 for all of 2011 to date.

Below is the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Incident Blotter for June 2011. Included in the Blotter are these Burglary Incidents:
  • Location was broken into. Door and lock damaged. No items were taken. Repair company on scene to repair the lock. (504 Main Street, 6/6)
  • Victim advised she heard her front door close and thought it was her roommate. Upon investigation her laptop worth $1,300 was missing as well as her wallet. NYPD on scene for report. (560 Main Street 6/10)
  • Reporter advised location was broken into with two gaming systems missing and the rear window broken. NYPD on scene to file a report. (506 Main Street, 6/17)
  • Victim advised she heard her front door open and thought it was her roommate. Upon investigation her roommate was not home, but a laptop computer worth $2,000 and $150 cash was missing from apartment. NYPD contacted for response. (510 Main Street, 6/21)
  • Victim reports three of his laptop computer were taken from his residence. No signs of forced entry. Victim advised only one lock was utilized to secure the apartment. NYPD on scene for report. (510 Main Street, 6/29)
  • Victim reports her laptop computer and camera were taken from her residence in the middle of the night. Victim states she has no top lock only a slam lock. No sign of forced entry or damage to door. NYPD on scene for report. (540 Main Street, 6/29)
  • NYPD on scene for a report of a burglary at location. Three victims advised various electronics and cash were taken. Victim #1 was asleep at the time and observed male subject in his room. Victim #2 found second male subject in his room. Both subjects fled the scene. No description of subjects. NYPD filed report. (560 Main Street, 6/30)
June 2011 RIOC Public Safety Blotter


Ericksone_e said...

Anyone else notice the consistency of the thefts occurring while the resident was present in the apartment? Scary. It takes someone with some gall to go into someone's apartment and take stuff while there are there!!! Would very much like to know if this problem is island wide or contained in one building

Guest said...

Interesting, though unsurprising, that all the burglaries listed for June occurred in Island House (Roosevelt Landings), especially in light of the security issues of the complex as mentioned in your previous post: http://rooseveltislander.blogspot.com/2011/07/open-building-lobby-doors-continuing.html

Guest said...

Eastwood, not Island House.

Good Kitty said...

Does the General Store install police or bolt locks?  I strongly suggest Eastwood residents invest in additional strong anti-theft locks.  Question: What would an Eastwood resident do if confronted with an "invader" - calmly hand over their belongings or attempt to prevent the robbery?  Why not prevent the entire frightening scenario from occurring in the first place by installing better locks?  You can then sleep in peace and quiet without the fear of waking up to find an intruder rummaging around in your apartment. 

SML said...

It's been my experience that they can't even make keys.   

Concerned said...

I have been reading here for a while, and kept it pretty somb.

I just have to let this out as it is annoying me to no end.

Keep shackling the police force on the island. Keep their hands and feet tied with lack of equipment and firearms.

God forbid one of these officers were on patrol and stumbled upon a burglary or robbery in progress, and the perp happens to have a weapon? They are helpless, other than being a good witness(if they are still alive and not killed), their hands are pretty much tied.

It takes a lot of nads and will power to do this job, but the RIPSD guys and girls are the safe keepers of this island. Without them, who knows how much more crime would be skyrocketed.

NYPD is not interested in this island in the slightest bit. It is geographically out of their way.

God forbit the bridge collapses and the tunnel gets flooded. How can we rely on an un armed force to keep us safe if a disaster was to occur and mayhem arises on this island?

Who knows if a Netherland shooting may occur here? It is just as easy to happen here as it did there.

I still dont get it. Welcome to backwards island.

Perhaps the residents do not take PSD seriously enough?
Perhaps it is because they dont have guns?
Perhaps because they wear decals that say public safety and not police?

I dont know.

Lets fix these broken things of ours.

morris said...

and to think the new ppople moving  into eastwood are paying from 2100 to 4000 for an apartment . what a joke thank god i get sec8 .let them pay  for this dump

Guest said...

I pay $985 for a 1BR in Eastwood. Who pays $2100? I don't receive Section 8.

SHOOKitOFFandITsDownTheStreet said...

$1000 to live in the projects of roosevelt island, awsome.

hows the piss in the stairwells and the marijuana smoke going for you?

get out while you can.

morris said...

985 for  one bedroom .  because you got a lap apartment .you aRE LUCKLY MY APARTMENT  IS 3500 BUTi  GET SEC8 , otherwise i could never afford to pay it so i dont work , because if i go to work and make too much money to keep me in sec8 then i  must pay the market rent for my apartment . see i am not cazy . when you live in eastwood its better not to work. thats why most people in eastwood are on  sec8 ,because without sec8.  95 percent of the people would have to move as the apartments are market rent .so its better to have a low paying  job or no job at all to live in eastwood .thats  why i dont work 

morris said...

yea but why are the rents so high

morris said...

i can anwer that for you . its because sec8  is paying most of the rents in eastwood .the owner is ripping off hud the new people move in and then they move out within one year

Tsuyoshi Takamoto said...

Whoever thinks that the PSD on the island is not in bed with these thefts are fooling themselves.  The trouble on the island go hand in hand with the PSD.  They are all one.  They do nothing, stop no one, and only give slaps on the wrist to those being naughty.  In this case, we're talking forced entry/burglary happening while people are home.  It's only a matter of time until one of these fools step into the wrong apartment and get shot by the owner.  I for one am protected, and will protect my wife and my family at all costs.  I'm legally registered and protected, and trained to protect.  Costs for a permit in NYC are the highest in the nation, but worth it to protect yourself, wife and kids.  When it comes to home protection, I'm pro-protection.  Right now, it sounds like it's un-armed punks.  It's only a matter of time before they enter apartments armed and spewing foam from the mouth like the rabid creatures they are.  They roam the streets on the island, sell drugs in the hallways, get drunk and tag the buildings, break into homes and get away with it all because PSD does nothing. Residents need to stand together, protect one another, and neighbors need to unite to drive the slime away. 

SHOOKitOFFandITsDownTheStreet said...

If you look at their arrest stats, it says otherwise as to them doing nothing. They do as much as they can with the LIMITED personell they have on duty at any given shift.

This has been pointed out in the past.

You cannot have 10 officers patrolling one building, it just doesnt make sense. I highly doubt they even have that many on a shift anyway.

As far as you saying cops and robbers are mixing with each other, they are not the NYPD, I truly believe all of them working have good intentions of helping. Did you ever take a minute to talk with any of them?

How much do you expect an unprotected police force to do for you unarmed? Do you see whats going on in the UK now with the unarmed cops and crazy rioters? Hell, even philly is losing control with their police and mass spontanious rioting.

How about supporting them instead of bashing them. Lobby for better training and equipment for them, as it benefits us all. Apparently RIOC and the other executives are a bit deaf when it comes to true safety.

Joe said...

Really, 3,500 for a one bedroom... on roosevelt island? Sorry, but that makes no sense - that is more expensive than both Riverwalk and the octagon rentals, and tons more than manhattan park. Infact, that is more money than I paid living in a luxury high rise over on 33rd and 8th ave. So yeah, I will have to call BS on that number as it is certainly not market rate.

BTW, ever think of moving if you can't afford the rent? The octagon has apartments reserved for middle income, and Manhattan park is decently cheap, too...

Tsuyoshi Takamoto said...

Why should I support them? I'm armed, and protected at home, and can take better care of myself and my family. Why on earth would anyone rely on the PSD for protection is beyond me. Citizens in NYC still have a legal right to arm themselves for home protection. 

Tsuyoshi Takamoto said...

I couldn't agree more with you.

morris said...

one bedroom in eastwood is 2100 2 bedroom is 2700 3  is3400 and 4 is 4000

morris said...

dont be mad at me .you are the fool paying these high rents not me.i would never pay these rents to live in eastwood.

joe said...

OK, so you have a 3 bedroom for 3400. Lets look at that... as I said a one bedroom (400-650) sqr feet is going to run you 2500-3000 (plus broker fee, 1-2 months rent up front, cash only) or 3200+ a month for a luxury building with their own rental office on Manhattan proper. It is the cost of living in NYC, either make more money or move out to Queens, NJ or Brooklyn, don't complain about your free tax-funded handout.

Tsuyoshi Takamoto said...

your grammer sho

Dphyl said...

Marijuana on your person in small limited quantities is a violation.
Marijuana in public view, under 8 ounces is a misdemeanor, over is a felony.

Nypd refused is simple, 2 reports are done at the same time, resident may choose which one they want.

You are very anti police. Good luck and enjoy the island.

Tsuyoshi Takamoto said...

anti-police. Dphyl, I couldn't be more pro-police, more pro-army, and more
pro-protection then any individual you've ever encountered in this lifetime,
your previous lifetime, and your future lifetime. Pay close attention to the
words I'm typing. I specifically condone other human beings
"pretending" to "pro-police" and protect civilians in the
code-of-arms.  Where you lack your understanding of human nature, if you
basic principle of human compassion.  I great adore myself, my wife, my
kids, my Puerto Rican, White and Korean neighbors.  I greatly adore and
love the elderly in my building that roll around on wheelchairs and some with
no legs.  I greatly adore the woman I personally saved after crying for
help in a pool of blood after upon falling off her wheel chair trying to answer
her land line phone.  My wife and I contribute greatly to our building and
community.  Where you fail as a human, is to recognize such
greatness.  I for one an an extreme supporter of community safety so that
the majority can live a happy and peaceful life.  You for one are a worm,
hiding in shadows, afraid to come out during the daytime to expose yourself and
speak your mind and practice what you preach.

The NYPD are strategically in no position to answer immediate emergency calls
from us who live on Roosevelt Island.  Why do you think so many of us call
and ask the local government that they employ an NYPD headquarters, or officers
(plural) to protect us civilians? If the PSD was adequate, then there would
simply be no need to ask for the NYPD's services. 

What you are talking about "resident may choose which one they want."
and referring specifically to an illegal incident, and the individual must
choose between a lesser or more evil to condone and have the PSD/NYPD choose
which illegal activity they pursue is, INSANE.  What kind of life/world
are you living in?

People, do you not see the basic understanding, and fundamental flaws to this
type of thinking? "You must choose which illegal activity we pursue. 
One we will drop entirely, the other we will half heartedly go after.  But
alas, you must choose how we as elected law-enforcement, funded by tax payer
dollars, protect you and your loved ones."

You should think of yourself more than a no-body, low-life, POS, Dphyl. 
You are a human, and are important to me, and others.  You should condone
local aw-enforcement until they serve you by the majority's expectations. 
Until they have, you should thank activists, and protectors of this island and
their neighbors, people like me, my wife who gravelly pursues the fools and
scum that roam our stairwells and hallways destroying the youth and elderly by
selling illegal drugs.  If you are one of those, then let this heed, as a
warning to your safety and soon to be rotting should in a jail cell.  I
for one am Pro-Roosevelt Island. I for one am pro my neighbor’s and the
elderly that roam these streets and I for one will snot stand people that wafer in
the midst of cowardly PSD. 
For God sakes, stand up for yourself, and your neighbors.  Be pro-safety, and pro-police (as am I, but that you've greatly miss-understood) and condone violence and preach love and peace.  This Island....Roosevelt Island...deserves more than rubbish.  Roosevelt Island is beacon of light within a city.  It should be a peaceful place, and I intend to be one of the several others that make turn it around to what it once was: a place of safety and local Independence.

Tsuyoshi Takamoto said...

Who ever can decipher this Egysptian English wins a million dollars.  Seriously, Morris, do you not re-read what you typed and wonder how on Earth you made it this far in life? Oh wait....you suck the life out of the tax paying, hard working humans as myself.  You expect local and federal government to pay your way through a life that you did not contribute to.  You are more low the the dog shit I step in, in the parks and streets.  Worship me now, you low-life human.  I'm your God and pay your way through life.  You have life now because of people like me.

Tsuyoshi Takamoto said...

Joe, Morris lives off people like you and me.  You and I work our asses off each and everyday.  We pay our overly expensed local and federal taxes to fund his vain lifestyle.  And he had the balls to come on to this blog and complain. Joe, we are his masters.  You are his master.  We should decide how he, as a non-worker and contributor to this society lives.  Joe, you are more correct in your post than an other person I've encountered here.  I hope to one day meet you.

Tsuyoshi Takamoto said...

Wait, did you just try to answer your own answer to another question?  Are you really that blind that you cant see why the rent is so high?  The rent is so high.....Morris....because you refuse to work and pay taxes and be a leach.  You suck the money and blood from my baby, my wife, my kids, and complain that you still don't have enough.  You are such a pathetic POS that deserves to live in the Arabian desert for eternity.  Owners of these buildings are faces with legal rising costs of living and taxes.  Yet you complain for what? Why are you even complaining? I'm paying for your life, and your cost of living.  I'm paying your taxes.  America is in debt because of people like you.  You rip off the welfare system.  There are people that need it, yet you do not.

morris said...

you do like in eastwood.people in wheel chairs old people thats eastwood .eastwood will always be full with people like me .so too bad for you .see the owner wants people like me because people like me get sec8 ,and sec8 pays him the full rent on the apartment .who the hell do you think is keeping eastwood alive . its  sec8 . there are over 200   vacant apartmentsin eastwood because   most people will not pay the rent they  are asking . but sec8 is sure  paying it . so see its better for the owner to have sec8 . see new people move into eastwood and after  one year they move out . so the owner is thankful for people like  me living in eastwood i am doing the owner a great service. i must go now. as  i  will go for lunch as you go to work. bye

morris said...

the rent is high because sec8 is paying it thats why  the owner will not lower the rent . see you dont know what you are taking about . because if the owner had to depend on people to pay the market rent in eastwood  there would be no more eastwood the owner would lose the  building, so put it this way .if it was not for people llike me .there would no longer be a eastwood there are 1003 apartmentsin eastwood 750 are in sec8 paying fuul market rent.200 vacant apartments.the rest are new people payng market rent , who dont stay for more than a year ,so now you tell me  who is keeping eastwood alive . its the people in sec8 . god bless us all  , i am

morris said...

you are upset with people like me . but hey i am  american . but its o.k. for all these illegals to come here and get food stamps sec8 free heath care , o thats ok , well if they can get it i will also get it i am sick see these iliegals with 10  kids shopping at trade fair  using food stamps so thats when i said to my wife i am sick of working and paying taxes and never having any money  after my rent food and heath care are  payed  for , while these iliegals get all this  for free and dont have to work . well i said if you cant beat them join them . and thats what i did  i am living better now than when i was working , thanks to you you are supporting me and all the  iliegals who just keep coming and coming because they know in america you can can everything without working ,see in america you either  must be rich or poor not in the middle because the poor get everything handed to them .the rich need no help so its the people in the middle who get no help . so i said its  easy for me to  be poor than it would me for me to be rich so i said  to my wife and kids we will become poor.food stamps sec8 free heath care free collage for my  kids things i  could never pay for when i was working . so now you see  why i do what i do 

morris said...

ashamed of myself . lol are you kidding . i love  the way i am living its pay back for all the taxes i paid when i was  working 

morris said...

welli  do want to thank you  for putting my kids in collage .i was working and could not do it . so thanks 

joe said...

Really, now you are going to blame illegal immigrants? Talk about a hipocrit - you are the one on Section 8, probably wellfare, and then will probably get more out of social security than you put in. What do immigrants have to do with you? I have met quite a few illegal immigrants, from Irish to Japanese to Mexican to Canadian to many other nationalities, and like it or not, they have all been the hardest working people I know.

Infact, they generally either had one job at over 80 hours a week, or two jobs working more than that. Furthermore, most actually paid taxes, either through a tax return, or, shookingly, withheld right out of their paycheck. I never met a single one who was on food stamps, welfare, section 8 or any other program. Infact, most that I know think those programs are what are killing America today and strongly disagree with them. I think you are the shinning star of this - no immigrant would ever have your mentality, they come here to work and better themselves.

Also, for the record, I am not rich, but I have come a very long way in life by not being a giving up - I do not understand really, especially from a supposed New Yorker, this defeatist mentality - do you realize you need to just stop being lazy, wake up, look around you and sieze some part of the tons of money that flow in and out of this city? No one is stopping you, no one is making you poor, no one forced you to do what you did except for yourself.

BTW, as for your kids college - why did you teach them some responsibility and have them just take out student loans like everyone else, instead of how to mooch off of the goverment ?

Joyce Mincheff said...

The lock referred to by many as a "slam lock" is not sufficient to protect you or your property in your home. The dead bolt, operated by turning the small knob directly above your doorknob, should be fastened at all times, whether you are inside or outside of your home.

The slam lock can lften be jimmied by using a flimsy card such as a library card. Unless the dead-bolt is fastened, which protrudes into the metal frame of your doorway, intruders can easily secure access.

Keep your door dead-bolted at all times, particulalry when the most precious possession you own, your very own body and those of your loved ones, are home.

Joyce Mincheff
Roosevelt Landings Residents Association

morris said...

yea they  come here to work ,yes some  do  but many come here for the handouts that america gives them . who the hell do you think pays  to  feed their  kids once they get here and have babies ,you the tax payer .so if the american tax  payer is willing and happy to give these people handouts, well.as an american i am also getting a handout .so i guess its o.k. for them but not for me .  too bad i am getting mine . i worked and paid taxes all  my life and i never got ahead , so  now the hell with it . i am getting what the  usa will give me and i am taking it. after all . i am an american. i paid taxes when i worked . now its my turn to to get paid. just like these illegals.

Anti-leach said...

Good god, are you blind?

You have not met a "illegal" shopping at trade fair? 5 kids, round beautiful wife and pay all their food with a benefit card/ebt. The neighbors of trade fair aren't any better who lived here for a couple generations and don't do anything worthwhile in their lives such as get a damn job.

Pay taxes through tax return? WHATTTTTT??
Most work odd jobs as laborers who are paid cash on a weekly or daily basis, the others work in small Korean type grocery stores, and cleaning tables or cooking quick food at restaurants.

Don't tell me you haven't seen an "illegal" not using the system.

Very true that the man of the house works extremely hard, but guess what, their first generation little guy who is raised here becomes just another welfare user. Very sad but true. The true hard workers are the ones who just get here, the initial comers, after that it's just crap.

Still no excuse to have an off the book job and still leach off my paycheck.

Anti-leach said...

I wouldn't want to pay more than $500 to live in the projects. Probably thanks to the likes of you who have kids and call them checks, then let them roam free and become gangbangers.

Oh lordy lord, where's my check. Ah who cares...

joe said...

I would have to disagree. Also, how do the family was 'illegal' at fair trade? Like I said, both legal and illegal, immigrants are the hardest working people I have ever met, and all that I have met (and *gasp* talked to) has all said they deplore well-fare.
And yes, they do file taxes, and it is pretty easy, anyone can apply for an ITIN number from the IRS to file a tax return on any amount earned for the year. Most illegals I know actually do this (per advice of their lawyers), in hopes that it will help there changes later in actually becoming an American. Furthermore, aside from income taxes, do not forget they still pay sales taxes, etc.
And no, I have not seen an illegal (or immigrant) abuse the system, and I wonder if you have ever met a real immigrant legal or not. I have seen many, many American citizens (rich, poor and middle class) abuse and cheat the system to no end. Lastly, from what I have seen, the entire family is very hard working, with both spouses doing 60-80 hours a week. Maybe back home in Boston we just attract better and less lazy people than NYC ? ^_~

joe said...

BTW, I guess it is 'trade fair' - still no clue wtf that is...

joe said...

Thank you Morris, for not reading anything I wrote. You do realize it is actually pretty damn difficult for immigrants (any kind) to get welfare/etc?  Stop trying to rationalize and blame others for your short comings as a person. Seriously, why are you demonizing the lowest of the low in society to justify yourself? Even your argument makes no sense - OK, the immigrants work hard every day and they don't even have papers, can't get licenses or IDs, and have to live in fear that one day they will be picked up and deported back to god knows where. Now we have you, an "American Citizen" (I use this term loosely) who has papers and can get any job, has all the advantages in the world, and yet you do nothing because you feel entitled to free shit because you worked for what, 10 years of your life? Then you complain about the price of your three (!) bedroom apartment in NYC/Manhattan even though you get Section 8.

I really don't know what else to say to you other than I wish you the best of luck when the government decides to cut section 8, welfare, food stamps and more to try to control our 14+ trillion dollar debt, that was caused (in part) by these systems* (note that a lot of it comes from never ending bank bailouts, 2+ wars, etc)

*(not including SS/etc, as that is not free money, I pay into it every paycheck, I damn well better get my money out of it)

morris said...

i see hoe upset you are with me and people like me . o well too bad . i love living off the  taxpayers like you , see i hope you and all the new people who have moved to this island willing to pay these high rents .i been here  when it was for low and middle income  but no more . they put me into sec8 .so now i must play  the hand that was given to me . and so that means i cannot make a high income because then i will lose my sec8  than i must pay the market rent of  the apartment in which i can not do ,, and i dont want to move so its better for me to lose my  job. this way  i can stay in sec 8. which means i can stay in my apatment .thats the way it is in eastwood unless you have a  lap apartment.thanks to  ron vass and the eastwood building committee

morris said...

i amhopingthat welfare willgive outchecksfor us people so we cango on a little vacation . 

Tsuyoshi Takamoto said...

This is in response to Morris.  The comment section was getting cramped and cold not read the comments.  However, this is in response to that last foolish comment he did leave which was readable. 

Morris, again
as a man, you should get off this Earth. You said “So now I must play the hand
that was given to me,” to be fair, the hand that was given to you were your two
hands and two feet to walk and work.  I
can still pay 500 dollars a month in rent, up state NY, work in NYC, and still
pay the taxes that fund your miserable life. It doesn’t matter how much I pay
in rent.  Cost in rent is beside the OBVIOUS point.  No matter what, whoever works pays taxes! In
addition, the lawful, honest, and hard working taxpayers are paying for your
shit stained couch. 


a miserable human being with a beating heart, and made of flesh and bones and are of 60% water. You’re the lowest of the low I’ve ever heard utter the words “well
too bad. i love living off the  taxpayers like you”.  That is what you said.  And what you just confessed to was fraud….and
guess what Morris? I obtained your IP address, and come Monday morning, I’ll be
reporting you to the Office of the Welfare Inspector General in NY for welfare
fraud.  You admitted online, that you are
committing a federal offence! Even if you deleted what you said tonight, I already copied and screen grabbed what you typed and confessed too.


are even more stupid and ignorant than I ever imagined.  You’re an old fool.  I would have thought you learned more at
your age, and would have been wiser than to admit a crime online, but you did.  You can’t hide behind your fake name, because
people like me can and do and did find out who you are and where you live.  Your name and address will be reported, and
the Main Street Wire will expose you after I let them know about who you really are.  You make this island worse for everyone.  And you will soon be having a knock on your
door from the Federal Authorities, and dragging your ass to jail for the short
amount of time you have left on this earth. If you don't go to jail, you'll be sued by the Fed's for welfare fraud.  Congratulations! Your kids will be ashamed of their father, and I'll stand outside your apartment waving good-bye.  I hope you now enjoy the few years you have left on this earth behind bars!!! Wow....I am soooooo happy tonight after reading your online confession of fraud!!!! AMAZING! Haha.....



Shook the hell off said...

Your must be an out of touch liberal to believe the crap you are spewing.

I is extremely easy to get a nys benefit card if you are arrested for any crime, right before arraignment they hand it out like candy. Aside from that, anyone with an undocumented job can go to any human resource admin building and apply. All you need is proof of residence, such as a bill and some sort of identification.

You my friend need a wake up call and need to reach up to reality.

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