Monday, June 22, 2020

NYC Mayor de Blasio Calls For Painting Black Lives Matter Murals In All 5 Boroughs - Roosevelt Island Kids Do Their Part By Drawing Black Lives Matter Sidewalk Chalk Mural On Riverwalk Commons

Last Friday afternoon, Roosevelt Island got it's own Black Lives Matter Mural

Image From Rachel Dowling

with a chalk drawing on the Riverwalk Commons area by local kids

Image From Rachel Dowling

and their parents. Rachel Dowling shares this video walk thru

and reports:
Here are some pics from our community collaboration this afternoon.

Image From Rachel Dowling

The event was organized by local mom, Jaime Lewis O’Laughlin, who provided the chalk.

Image From Rachel Dowling

We left the leftover chalk with a message inviting passers by to join us and add to our message.
Here's a partially obscured aerial view of the

Roosevelt Island Black Lives Matter Chalk Mural