Thursday, January 21, 2021

Roosevelt Island Newcomer From Nigeria Joins Friends Of Coler And Introduces RI Residents To Our Coler Neighbor Francene Benjamin - She's Living In Lockdown But Looks Forward To Walking Around Roosevelt Island Again Soon, Give Her A Wave As You Walk Past Coler

Long time resident Julia Ferguson (pictured on right) and newcomer Foluke Ogunyemi (pictured on left) are among the Roosevelt Island residents who are Friends of Coler.

Ms Ferguson says the two met:

 ... by volunteering online together and then later ran into each other on Main Street in masks! It is so encouraging to meet new friends in many ways even during these very challenging times. 

 Ms Ogunyemi describes herself as :

 ... just a regular Roosevelt Island mum that is glad to have found the best place in New York city to put down roots, I very recently migrated from Lagos, Nigeria to work for UNICEF--and have worked in development for children and women for 12 years.
 Ms Ogunyemi introduces us to our Roosevelt Island Coler resident neighbor Francene Benjamin. According to Ms. Ogunyemi:
Roosevelt Islanders do love and appreciate the Island. Indeed, most of the long-term residents cherish the neighborhood as does Francene Benjamin. She has been a resident for a decade and half at the north end of Roosevelt Island—within the historic Coler Rehabilitation and Nursing Care Center.

Francene loves living on the island, the peaceful quiet, the crashing of the water against the rocks and the Lighthouse makes for good reminders of her time in Antigua and Barbuda where her family and elderly parents still live. Living on Roosevelt Island in 2020-21 has been different, it is now over 280 days of lockdown and not being able to walk outside the grounds of Coler. Accustomed to going out for long walks, crocheting, gardening, singing and going to church, Francene has had to adjust to new ways of appreciating life on Roosevelt Island.

“I will say in 15 years here, Roosevelt island through the years has been really good ... there used to be a fruit stand close to us that we loved to visit, although the island had some changes, it remains comfortable, safe and a nice place to live in New York--really nice at night. Most of the time this year, to pass the time, I watch people walking, it has become therapeutic for me, watching people walk along the riverbank which I am currently unable to do has increased my appreciation of walking as a great and refreshing exercise. I watch people walk past, it is a joy to see the mothers who go past with children in strollers, early morning or evening joggers, those who are committed to walking daily or simply just leisurely strolling—it is a gift to have a place like Roosevelt Island in a year that has been so tough on us all.” 

“My crotchet work used to be a truly relaxing past time--I did a lot of filly patterns and using simple instructions, I made a queens size bed spread, scarves, hats, chair backs, arm rest and table center pieces. I love crocheting and there are a few--about 3 of us here interested in crocheting and we have plans to make things but are not yet be able to fulfil that, currently my wrists are not in the best shape but I am not giving up on that dream.”

Please watch the first few minutes of my recent Crochet Artist video made as part of a series on ‘Skill Share Videos’ curated by Niti Parikh from MakerLAB at Cornell Tech.
This video documentation started with a simple goal: to provide a space for conversation starters with makers of all abilities and backgrounds which can hopefully lead to inclusive and participatory design projects to improve people’s everyday life. 

This lockdown has been quite challenging and isolating, but I value the moments when I was able to schedule to go out to enjoy some fresh air. Thankful for phones and zoom, technology making it possible to still connect with family and friends but most importantly, it is comforting to be able to watch the East River and Roosevelt islanders walking past to remind myself I still live in this beautiful community. 

Happy 2021 and a safe, healthy time for all the islanders, I am hopeful for the new year to bring new grace and a chance to walk around the island again. For now, do wave whenever you walk past, we at Coler are waving back from inside and wishing all Roosevelt Islanders a Happy New Year!"

If you would like to join Friends Of Coler volunteers, please send them an email.