Thursday, April 15, 2021

RIHS President Says More PSD Officers, Bathrooms, Trash Cans And Staff Needed For Thousands Coming To Visit Roosevelt Island Cherry Blossoms - RIOC President Says RIHS President Putting Out False Narratives And Irresponsible Statements About RIOC

Roosevelt Island Historical Society President (RIHS) is a concerned and knowledgeable observer about goings on in the Roosevelt Island community.

                                                                                                      Image From RIHS

Last Tuesday, Ms Berdy wrote to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Shelton Haynes and Public Safety Chief Kevin Brown, copying Roosevelt Islander and Roosevelt Island Daily editor David Stone. Ms Berdy wrote:

Last Saturday we had thousands of visitors on the island to see the cherry trees.  Aside from one lone officer at the Tram Station, there were no officers around monitoring traffic or pedestrians.  Standing on the terrace of the kiosk, we have a bird's eye view of tram, traffic, pedestrians and if PSD is around.

If the weather is as good as last Saturday, we will have more visitors this weekend.

We need more port-a-potties, food trucks and staff around to empty overflow trash cans.

You and your staff are choosing to ignore basic safety and comfort for visitors and residents.

I am tired of hearing that Covid is preventing staffing. By now, everyone should be here at work.  RIOC has used Covid as an excuse long enough and it would be helpful if we got on board with running the island and not running away from it.

Yesterday Mr Haynes replied:

RIOC Public Safety department and NYPD 114th officers were present on Saturday as we had approximately 300+ visitors come to Roosevelt Island to enjoy the cherry blossoms. You have been putting out false narratives and irresponsible statements about RIOC for months. I have also received correspondence from RIOC employees that you have recently called them with profanity laced tirades of concerns that you have. COVID 19 is never an excuse that we use and that is probably the most offensive and tasteless comment one could make. We have had several employees that have either contracted COVID 19 or had to quarantine after providing essential services to the residents of Roosevelt Island. I would expect more respect and appreciation for all of the work we do.

I replied to Mr Haynes asking him:

Did you mean approximately 3 thousand or 3 hundred visitors plus. Also, we do need more trash cans around the Island when large crowds are expected particularly around Riverwalk Commons and West promenade next to Cornell. 

Mr Haynes responded:

Yes, 300 was the number as I was in contact with PSD leadership all day Saturday. With regard to trash cans, they have been ordered previously and should arrive this week.


For clarity, did you not recently reach out to RIOC inquiring about the dozens of PSD and NYPD that were present on Saturday as you received reports larger gatherings? Please advise.

I replied:

Yes I did and RIOC responded. I included response from Amy in update to the post. 

Ms Berdy replied:

Since we had over 300 visitors in the kiosk and from personal observations, there were thousands of visitors on Saturday. 

Glad to hear of more trash cans.
Can we resurrect the toilet project on Firefighters Field as an emergency project?
Roosevelt Island Daily editor David Stone adds:
And with all due respect, I should add that Judy’s comments reflect what I’m hearing from multiple people and have observed myself. Taking your anger out on her — or me, as you did recently -- is not productive. If you really want to “work with everyone,” as you have said, invalidating concerns with angry public blasts is not the way to do it. It’s not that anyone is more right or wrong but that there are valid perceptions that may not agree with yours.
Also, I asked RIOC:
Is it true that Shelton will move his office to Blackwell House 2nd floor?  Will any other RIOC staff have offices in Blackwell House?

Will the Roosevelt Island Historical Society have any space at Blackwell House?
 RIOC Public Information Officer Amy Smith replied today:
As you may be aware, RIOC will be relocating from our 591 Main Street location this summer. RIOC employees will be relocated to temporary and ultimately more permanent locations in months to come, one such location being Blackwell House. However, RIOC intends to honor its agreements for use of its facilities and other spaces.

As reported in April 2011:

As a requirement of the funding agreement, in the amount of $364,000, between RIOC and NYC Department of Cultural Affairs (DCA) for the interior renovation of Blackwell House that for a period of twenty (20) years after completion of such construction, Blackwell House be kept open for public view and community and public programming to the extent practicable.

The Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS) has proposed a (5) year license agreement for the partial use of Blackwell House for the purpose of hosting public exhibition events, archival storage and the use of a second floor office for event planning and research in Blackwell House. The terms and conditions of the agreement are as follows:

Term: 5 year term commencing upon the date of Certificate of Occupancy or a reasonable time thereafter.out

Use of the Following Areas Within Blackwell House:

  • Attic: Storage Space (470 sq. ‘) – This space used to store archives (documents and photos for public (general public, historians and students) to review. 
  • Second Floor: Small Office- (232 sq.’) – planning events and historical research space to review archives. The public to make appointment through curator, RIHS. 
  • First Floor: Closet/Information Booth (15 sq.’).
Additional use of 1st Floor Public Meeting Room for the following dates, subject to availability deemed by RIOC;...

The Blackwell House renovation was finally completed and opened in November 2020. Following a Grand Opening ceremony, Ms Berdy spoke about

the history and future plans for Blackwell House.