Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Roosevelt Island Residents Association April Common Council Meeting Tonight 8 PM - Come Find Out What Is Going On & Ask Questions

Image of December 2009 RIRA Meeting

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council will be meeting tonight at the Good Shepherd Community Center's Lower Level Room at 8 PM. The RIRA Common Council is composed of residents elected from each of the Roosevelt Island buildings. If you are interested in learning what's going on here on Roosevelt Island - Come On Down!

Prior to the start of the meeting there is an opportunity for the public to question and present any issues of concern to the Council.

Have not received the Agenda yet but will post when I do.

UPDATE 6:30 PM - Here's the April RIRA Common Council Agenda:

Date: Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Time: 8:00 P.M. - Finish
Place: Good Shepherd Community Center, 543 Main Street
1. Public Session (8:00)
- Vision 2020: A New Comprehensive Waterfront Plan
- Cornell University Study
- Vendors from Saturday Market

2. Roll Call (8:35)
X 3. Approval of Agenda (8:40)
4. Approval of Minutes (8:45)
X - March 3 minutes
5. Treasurer’s Report (8:50)
- Report
6. President's Report (8:55)
7. Committee Reports (9:05)
Planning - M. Katz
Communications - E. Erickson
Government Relations - A. Barfield
Public Safety - E. Feely-Nahem
Housing - J. Mincheff
Social, Cultural and Educational Services - N. Leopold
Island Services - A. Hamburger

8. Old Business (9:45)
9. New Business (10:00)
X - RIRA Blood Drive
X - RIRA Elections
- Discussion of RIOC user fees for Island residents
X - Donation for advertisement in Main Street Children and Teen Theatre program

10. Adjourn
X Agenda items requiring action
Town Hall Meeting for March RIOC Board Meeting: Wednesday, April 28, 2010, 8-9:30PM
Next Meeting: Wednesday, May 5, 2010 (Mailing Deadline: April 30, 2010)
Future Meetings: June 2, Septmber 15, October 6, November 3