Thursday, April 8, 2010

Blackberry Stolen & Another Attempted Theft Of Roosevelt Island Iphone Near Subway

Image of Blackberry Phone From Slipperbrick

Commenting on yesterday's post about a Roosevelt Island Good Samaritan who chased after two thieves attempting to rob a woman of her cell phone by the Subway Station at 9:35 PM on April 6, a reader wrote:
I think these people tried to steal my phone as well. Yesterday as I was walking home from the subway 3 boys tried to rip my phone out of my hand. Luckily they didn't succeed and once I started screaming they left me alone. Hopefully they catch who did this.
The Roosevelt Island Public Safety Report for 4/7 - 4/8 provides some additional information:
Attempted Robbery- Three males approached a female and attempted to take the cell phone from her hand. Female screamed and subjects fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. NYPD refused. No injuries.
Unfortunately, this Blackberry owner was not so lucky:
Grand Larceny- Male youth took a blackberry from a female and fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. No injuries. EMS refused. NYPD refused.
Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Chief Keith Guerra indicated yesterday that:
Our Ant-Crime Officers are looking further into the matter.
Stay Alert!

UPDATE 12:45 PM - Mr. Guerra adds the following information regarding yesterday's incidents:
At 4:04 PM, there was an attempted robbery of an I-phone by the west seawall. Thankfully, the victim was not injured and did not lose her phone, as she screamed loudly, and the unknown male subject fled southbound.

At 9:40 PM, an unknown male snatched a blackberry out of a woman's hand by the meditation steps and fled northbound.

Neither victim could give a full description of the male involved, but in both incidents, the male subject was described as African-American.

While neither victim did anything wrong, we do ask that everyone be aware of their surroundings while using their phones.