Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Late Saturday Nite Disturbance On Roosevelt Island's Riverwalk Commons After Party - Public Safety Present To Keep The Peace

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Any Roosevelt Island Southtown residents hear a commotion Saturday night between 1 - 3 AM on the Riverwalk Commons? I heard about such a late night disturbance and asked Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra:

I received several messages about a disturbance early Saturday morning 1-3 AM in front of the Riverwalk Commons with several Public Safety Department vehicles and a Segway officer responding to groups of people hanging out in the area.

There was nothing in the 4/3 -4/4 Daily Public Safety Report that I could see about this incident.

Can you provide any information as to what, if anything, happened?
Mr. Guerra replied:
No Incident Report was filed for any disturbance. Our blotter did indicate that there was some sort of party at the Bar & Grill that ended when the bar closed at 2:00am. Folks were outside but not unruly. PSD was present to Keep the Peace.