Late Saturday Nite Disturbance On Roosevelt Island's Riverwalk Commons After Party - Public Safety Present To Keep The Peace
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Any Roosevelt Island Southtown residents hear a commotion Saturday night between 1 - 3 AM on the Riverwalk Commons? I heard about such a late night disturbance and asked Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra:
I received several messages about a disturbance early Saturday morning 1-3 AM in front of the Riverwalk Commons with several Public Safety Department vehicles and a Segway officer responding to groups of people hanging out in the area.Mr. Guerra replied:
There was nothing in the 4/3 -4/4 Daily Public Safety Report that I could see about this incident.
Can you provide any information as to what, if anything, happened?
No Incident Report was filed for any disturbance. Our blotter did indicate that there was some sort of party at the Bar & Grill that ended when the bar closed at 2:00am. Folks were outside but not unruly. PSD was present to Keep the Peace.