Thursday, July 9, 2009

Gallery RIVAA Exhibition On the Holocaust-Never Forget, Never Again Opens Saturday July 11 With Reception

Deportation" by Dana Naumann Image From Gallery RIVAA

Gallery RIVAA will be having an opening reception this Saturday at 6PM for their new exhibition titled Holocaust - Never Forget, Never Again.
A Holocaust Memorial Exhibition of Hammered Lead Sculptures by Dana Baldwin Naumann

Public Reception: Saturday, July 11, 2009 6:00 to 9:00 PM

Exhibition: July 11 to August 7, 2009

Guest Curator: Johnes Ruta
More on Never Forget, Never Again from the Naumann Gallery.

From Deportation pictured above:
the Jews filed in.
"stay in line," the Nazis would say.
"keep moving."
no room to sit down, no time to breathe.
no choices. "Just keep moving."
leave all possessions behind,
just bring the clothes on your back.
God, where are they taking me?
Now get in the train car. NOW!
Keep moving, all the way to the back.
Plenty of room, push in tighter.
There is no room to move, no air to breathe,
no place to relieve. So tight the fit no one could fall. The door slams shut, the train moves out.
Where are they taking us? God I feel sick,
God I'm scared. God help us all !