Monday, July 6, 2009

State Senator Jose Serrano Presents Roosevelt Island Seniors Health Workshop Tomorrow and Tries To Save Arts Education In NYC Public Schools

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A reminder from earlier post and Roosevelt Island Sidebar Calendar.
On Tuesday July 7, State Senator Jose Serrano, NY Presbyterian Hospital and the Roosevelt Island Seniors Center will be presenting a health workshop for Senior Citizens at the Good Shepherd Community Center - 543 Main Street. According to State Senator Serrano:
Take advantage of this opportunity to learn how to stay healthy! There will be an information session, healthy refreshments and a simple stretching workshop for you to take part in.
In addition to being the Chair of the NY State Senate Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks and Recreation Committee, Senator Serrano is also a member of the Committee on Aging.
Senator Serrano has written an op-ed in today's Gotham Gazette on Saving Arts Education from the political mess currently going on in Albany. Senator Serrano writes:
I fear arts education may become the next casualty of the Albany war.

Last week I came out in support of a bill to continue, but amend, mayoral control of the city's public schools. As a fierce advocate for arts in the classroom, I was moved by the bill's establishment of a citywide council to advise, comment and issue reports on arts-related policies in our school system. Unfortunately, with the lack of deliberation and dialogue in the capital right now, we might not have the chance to vote on the best legislative proposals....

... No one can deny that continued and positive exposure to the arts and New York's rich and multi-faceted cultural heritage is a sound investment for our children. Let's not use our current political and budgetary challenges as an excuse to deny them this opportunity.