Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Southtown Construction Shed Removed For Additional Tram Modernization Staging Area - When Will Ugly Tennis Club Parking Lot Be Removed Too

Tram Staging Area Now Includes Former Construction Shed Area on left

I sent the following inquiry to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp. (RIOC) VP of Operations Fernando Martinez
I noticed that the Monadnock construction shed is being dismantled across the street from 425 Main Street.

What, if anything, will be replacing it?
Mr. Martinez answered:
The additional space will be used as a staging area for the Tram Project.
Now let's also get rid of the ugly eyesore of a dirt parking lot in Southtown across from the Riverwalk buildings reserved for the exclusive use of Tennis Club patrons.


Anonymous said...

With all the pressure from the Riverwalk tenants for parking spots
how did the tennis club get special parking privileges for its patrons ?

Anonymous said...

When you park, you go home. When we park, we play tennis (which we pay for). If you don't park close by, you still go home. If we don't park close by, we don't come anymore. Then you'll have another business on your island go under.


You ever hear of something called the subway to take to the tennis club? Any parking that exists on RI should first be available to those who live here.
Tennis Club does nothing for Roosevelt Island. If parking for tennis club goes away and you stop coming, no problem.

Anonymous said...

Whoa there RIer... the tennis club is pretty much the only reason why UESers come to RI. That's pretty much the only place folks with money spend their money on this island.

I am in favor of banning all cars from this island. Just like in the past make them park at Motorgate and let them walk or take the bus to continue their commute.

Anonymous said...

Residents of Southtown still trying to procure parking near your buildings.... Last time I checked, the Red Bus still costs a measley 25 cents. Park at Motorgate (like everyone else) and take the Bus to Southtown. You guys all new the parking situation when you decided to move there (including the owner of this Blog - who I happen to like, by the way).

sesli said...
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