Sunday, March 25, 2012

Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation Celebrate Purim Recently With Contemporary Roosevelt Island Twist

The Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation shares this report from their recent Purim Day Celebration.
The Roosevelt Island Jewish Congregation celebrated Purim with a full evening of activities for all ages on March 7.

Children arrived early to assemble groggers or noisemakers with Michal Melamed. Dressed in costumes, they formed a parade to display their finery.

Image From Tami Granot

Following a pizza dinner, Rabbi Leana Moritt and Gad Levanon read the megillah or traditional scroll, which recounts the story of the holiday.

They were often interrupted by children wielding their newly made groggers to blot out the mention of a certain name.

Later, a Purimschpiel, or play based on this narrative, was performed. Written by Mickey Rindler, the theme of the 99 percenters and protesters on Main Street, who confronted Mayor Bloom-asuerus, was combined with the development of a technology center on the former location of Goldwasser Hospital.

Deputy Mayor Haman had an alternative plan to promote Amalek University, but Cornell and Technion triumphed, thanks to the efforts of Queen Esther and Mordechai. The cast featured Scot Bobo, RIJC president, Judith Berdy, Mickey Rindler, Steve Meed, Sheila Berger Chazin, Bob Chazin, Janet Falk and Rabbi Moritt, plus Arlene and Steve Bessenoff.

The Purimschpiel's broad humor, and countless inside jokes and references to Roosevelt Island affairs, drew laughter and cheers from the audience.

The evening concluded with delicious Hamantaschen cookies prepared by Amber Levanon-Seligson and her daughter Dalia.