Tuesday, September 9, 2014

You're Invited To Cornell NYC Tech New Roosevelt Island Community Space Open House At Gallery RIVAA September 10 From 10 AM To 4 PM - Innovation And Entrepreneurship Key To New Campus

According to Cornell NYC Tech:
Join us to celebrate Cornell Tech’s new community space at Gallery RIVAA on Roosevelt Island

Cornell Tech Open House

Wednesday, September 10th

Stop by anytime between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

(light refreshments will be served)

Gallery RIVAA - 527 Main Street, Roosevelt Island

Starting September 3rd, Cornell Tech staff will be on site at the gallery every Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m-12 p.m. and 1-4 p.m. Members of the public are encouraged to stop by to learn about the Cornell Tech campus and talk to staff. Members of the public can stay up to date on the hours of operation of the gallery space by signing up for campus updates at construction.tech.cornell.edu
More on the Cornell NYC Tech Gallery RIVAA shared space at previous post and Cornell NYC Tech's plan for fostering entrepreneurship and innovation.


AGuyonRI said...

Sounds great, but conflicts with my (and most people's) working hours. Maybe every now and then do this a little later in the day?

rilander said...

This year I'm not voting because:
1. I can't believe the amount of stuff in my mailbox each day. They are killing the environment with all the daily flyers.
2. I'm sick and tired of all the robo calls as well as people calling at all hours, waking me up in the morning even on weekends, interruptin dinner, etc.
This year's campaigns are total turnoffs. Enough already.

Frank Farance said...

We're thinking "Cornell, Great!" but did you see the degrees they are offering? Pretty lame one-year master's degrees that have little value (as you can see from the LinkedIn bios). So you're mixing sound for concerts, take a Cornell Masters degree in Computer Science, and you get to write baby code. It sounds like they're outta touch with what one needs to do real work in this field.

YetAnotherRIer said...

Academia should never really be about "real work" and more about building a knowledge base on which practical knowledge can be built upon. I hate the path higher education is taking nowadays. It's all about career preparation.

OldRossie said...

general knowledge is for lower levels of education - masters degrees are SPECIFICALLY for mastery of a specific field for professional practice. hence the name...

Frank Farance said...

YetAnotherRIer: Yes, I agree, but Cornell's master degree doesn't give you that knowledge base. In the field of Computer Science, the "science" part is often less relevant than the "engineering" part for professional (non-academic) work. Still Cornell gives you poor preparation for the engineering work, too.

Cornell's masters program looks like: a whirlwind tour that teaches some buzzwords, matches you up will some biz connections, and shows you how to make a powerpoint presentation. Oh year, and you come out of school with aspirations ...

Although Cornell talks about "entrepreneurship", will they let you know that VCs don't really take seriously 22 year-olds, or even 30-year olds? Probably not, just like the subway ads for trade schools and their hiring rates (and loan obligations).

YetAnotherRIer said...

Specific field of academic knowledge? Yes. Specific professional practice should be taught in apprenticeships and community colleges.

YetAnotherRIer said...

Perfect timing: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/09/09/opinion/david-brooks-becoming-a-real-person.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&bicmp=AD&bicmlukp=WT.mc_id&bicmst=1409232722000&bic

Frank Farance said...

YetAnotherRIer: Although the NYT column described it well, in the field of Learning, Education, and Training, I see it as the learner has choice of Education (primarily about acquiring knowledge) vs. Training (primarily about acquiring skill/competencies).

With Education, you're building your knowledge, which might or might not have direct applicability to work/career. With Training, you're knocking off further achievements (skills, competencies, etc.)

The MEng degree is a terminal degree, and a professional accomplishment. An MS is further study, and a PhD is much more study.

Frank Farance said...

Went to Cornell coffee at RIVAA. Happy that RIVAA is staying, but Cornell's partnership just raises the rents($45-55/sqft) and merchants' prices. Thanks Cornell(NOT!).

"Us and Them" said...

Exactly the truth. I went also and they were unable to answer my questions. They forced themselves upon Rivaas, it seems, since the members told me they must host Cornell to stay open. I am not looking forward Cornell being here. Eastwood is full of NYU students that are constantly moving in an out and they bring absolutely nothing to the community. I don't think any more students on the island is the greatest idea.

CheshireKitty said...

It is unfortunate that the Cornell-RIVAA arrangement enables the unjustifiably high rents demanded by Kramer from the RIVAA non-profit. This is privatization run wild. A community art gallery, which is obviously not in it for the money, is forced to take on a "silent partner" to keep its space. Actually, I'm not opposed to Cornell, but for RIVAA to take on the partnership in order to satisfy H-R's greed, is definitely unjust.

CheshireKitty said...

It's probably the most bang for the buck, though, considering it's only a 1-year program. It's offered by a technical institute partnering with an Ivy - slants toward the technical institute (hands-on) approach rather than the theoretical/academic.

Yes, I agree, though, it's hard to believe the program in a year will really convey the knowledge needed to solve problems and be effective in a position. I also agree that the degree offered seems similar to the programs advertised in subway ads for trade schools; the question is, what is the rate at which these trade school graduates really land jobs, and what about loan obligations?

I predict though that C-T will have people falling over themselves to get in to this 1-year program - given the names of Cornell (prestigious) and even Technion (also prestigious although not as familiar).