Tuesday, October 27, 2015

You're Invited To Roosevelt Island Women's Health Network Meeting Wednesday October 28 Cosponsored By Cornell Tech - Eat Right, Feel Better, How Good Nutrition Can Improve Your Life, Men Welcome Too

The Roosevelt Island Women's Health Organization (RIWHO) sends the following invitation for its March 25 Monthly Seminar:
The Roosevelt Island Women’s Health Organization Presents:

Eat Right, Feel Better - How Good Nutrition Can Improve your Life

Wednesday, October 28th
546 Main Street, 12th floor, 6:30 pm
Refreshments Served - Men Welcome

Cosponsored by:
Cornell Tech
Cornell University Cooperative Extension - NYC

Eileen Ludrosky will conduct a hands on, engaging workshop that includes information on the Dietary Guideline recommendations for fat, sugar and sodium. She will also offer participants an opportunity to sample a healthy recipe and engage in some physical activity.

Eileen received her A.A.S. in Dietetics at Suffolk County Community College and went on to become a DTR in 2006. She worked as a School Food Service Manager with Aramark Corporation at William Floyd School District for 3 years. Eileen received a B.S. in Organizational Management from NYACK School of Business (2011) and a 2nd B.S. in Nutrition, as well as a Minor in Theatre Dance, from Queens College (2014).