Manhattan Park Refuses Installation Of Red Bus Bench At 10 River Road, Fixing the Turnaround Near Gristedes, Tram Station Elevator Design Problems & Coler Hospital Resiliency Plan Among Issues Discussed At RIOC Board Meeting
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Director Margie Smith presented a recap of the October 13 Operations Advisory Committee meeting discussions (full audio web cast of meeting here) during the October 22 RIOC Board of Directors meeting (full web cast of meeting here).
Ms Smith reviewed the status of the following issues at the October 22 RIOC Board meeting.
New Tram Station Elevator work - bankruptcy issues of vendor appear to have been resolved but still another month before design work can resume.
Coler Hospital Parking Lot - Discussion of area jurisdictional issues and possible new green space for portion of the area. RIOC President Indelicato added that RIOC is meeting with NYC on an East River Resiliency Plan for perimeter of area and scheduling a presentation to RIOC Board on subject, (more on this issue to report coming up).
Motorgate Helix Bike Ramp Engineering Study with Cornell Tech.
Installation of Red Bus Bench at Manhattan Park across from Gristedes.
To date, Manhattan Park refuses to allow a Red Bus bench to be installed on Main Street in front of 10 River Road said RIOC's Cy Opperman. Ms Smith suggested having Roosevelt Island Seniors wait for Red Bus in the 10 River Road lobby if Manhattan Park will not allow a bench outside the building.
Fixing the Red Bus Turnaround near Gristedes.
RIOC Engineering Department Director John Bost reports a continuing drainage problem in the area. Also, Mr. Opperman said the turnaround was not designed to handle the larger and heavier Red Buses now in use.
Here's the full Operations Advisory Committee Report
given by Ms. Smith.