Thursday, June 7, 2018

Political Newcomer Suraj Patel Running Against Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney In June 26 Democratic Party Primary For 12 CD - Meet Mr. Patel 12 PM June 8 At Roosevelt Island Senior Center

Roosevelt Island's long time Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney has an oppenent in the upcoming June 26 Democratic Party primary. Political newcomer Suraj Patel is running against Ms Maloney, a 25 year incumbent, to represent the 12 Congressional District that includes Roosevelt Island as well as other portions of Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens (District Map here).

Mr Patel will be visiting the Roosevelt Island Carter Burden Senior Center on Friday, June 8 at 12 PM. You're invited to come meet him and learn more about his background and ideas.

Here's more on Mr. Patel

and a candidate's forum with Ms. Maloney and Mr. Patel hosted by Empire State Indivisible and Indivisible Brooklyn.

More information on Mr. Patel at his web site.

More information on Congresswoman Maloney at her web site.

UPDATE 6/19 - Mr. Patel spoke with me and the Roosevelt Island Daily during his visit to the Roosevelt Island Senior Center.

The Roosevelt Island Daily asked Mr. Patel about Roosevelt Island issues

and I followed up asking about the power of Congressional seniority and incumbency on the race.