Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Roosevelt Island Residents Association Monthly Meeting Tonight June 6 - July 4 Celebration, Weekend Races, Disconnection Of Cat Sanctuary Fresh Water Source, Sportspark & Future Of RIRA As An Organization On Agenda

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council will hold it's monthly meeting this evening, June 6 at 8:00 PM in the Good Shepherd Community Center (543 Main Street).

As always, prior to the start of each monthly meeting there is a Public Session in which residents can come and address the Common Council Delegates on any issue of concern.

According to the RIRA Agenda:
If at all possible, please arrive 15 mins early to help set up tables and chairs

Date: Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Time & Place: 8:00 pm, Church of Good Shepard, Basement

1. Public Session (please sign-in to be placed on the Public Session Speaking List)

2. Petition to Reseat, Westview Representative David Lawson

3. Roll Call of Common Council Members

4. Adoption of Agenda

5. Approval of Common Council Minutes
a. May 2, 2018 Common Council Meeting

6. President's Calls
a. Treasurer
b. Co-Chair Planning Committee (as called by Chair of Planning Committee, Mickey Rindler)

7. Committee Reports & Business
a. Communications Committee Meeting Minutes i. RIRA Community Calendar Update
b. Planning Committee Meeting Minutes
c. Public Safety Committee Meeting Minutes

8. Old Business
a. Southtown Delegation Report re May 23, 2018 Meeting with Susan Rosenthal, Races on Roosevelt Island
i. Resolution in Support of Southtown Delegation Efforts to Reduce Impact of Weekend Morning Races. (Movant: Mickey Rindler, on behalf of Southtown Delegation)
b. Update re Discussion: "Should the Roosevelt Island Residents Association's Common Council Objectives Change in the Face of a Changing Roosevelt Island Community?" (Speaker: Dave Evans, Southtown)

9. New Business
a. Discussion: "RIOC July 4th Celebration and Procedures for Roosevelt Island Resident Attendance" (Speaker: Chris Gassman, Manhattan Park)
b. Discussion: RIOC Disconnection of Fresh Water Source for Cat Sanctuary at South Point Park (Speaker: Rosanna Ceruzzi)
c. Discussion: RIOC Adoption of Cornell study re Sportspark

Roosevelt Island Station, P.O. Box 341, New York, New York 10044