Friday, August 17, 2018

RIOC Shuts Down Roosevelt Island Octagon Sports Field Today For Major Renovation To Begin In Fall - Artificial Turf Unsafe With Numerous Snags, Rips And Tears

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) announced the closing of the Octagon Sports Field


According RIOC:

Deteriorating turf conditions at the Octagon Sports Field have forced its closure, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation announced today.

The field, which is located on the northern part of the Island, is an outdoor soccer field, used by the community daily and is one of the most popular fields on Roosevelt Island. It is used from March to mid-November, for activities including soccer, football, lacrosse, and rugby.

Existing permit holders including several adult sports leagues that held paid reservations-at $175 per hour- are being contacted and will be given refunds, RIOC said.

Due to numerous unsafe snags, rips and tears on its turf, RIOC plans to repair and redevelop the field as well as all surrounding fixtures and facilities, including comfort stations, seating, security features, and lighting design.

This major renovation will begin in the Fall of 2018.

The soccer program, organized this past spring by RIOC, will still be offered in the fall at different locations.