Monday, August 20, 2018

Gunshots Reportedly Heard 1 AM Last Saturday Morning At Roosevelt Island's Manhattan Park Complex - NYPD 114 Precinct Investigating

A tipster reported gunshots were heard in the vicinity of Roosevelt Island's Manhattan Park building complex at 30 River Road

early Saturday morning.

Another resident reported:
...anyone else have police officers knock on their door asking about gunshots fired Friday night/Saturday morning?
I asked the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
I’ve received reports that gunshots were heard at Manhattan Park by residents last Friday night/Saturday morning and that PSD and NYPD officers investigated.

Is that true?

What happened.

Any statement from Rioc in matter.
According to a NYPD spokesperson, an earwitness:
... heard 5 shots coming from rear of 30 River Road at about 1:10 am Saturday.

Investigation is ongoing
No injuries reported and no arrests have been made.

Will update when more info available.

If you have info on this incident, please contact RIOC Public Safety Department or the NYPD 114 precinct.

UPDATE 8/21 - The NY Post reports that the gunshots were aimed from Roosevelt Island at an apartment building across the River on East 72nd Street.
According to the NY Post:
Residents of a swanky Upper East Side high-rise have 24-hour gated entry, a heated indoor pool, breathtaking views of the river — and bullets whizzing through their windows.

A mystery gunman is shooting up apartments at One East River Place from clear across the water on Roosevelt Island, law enforcement sources told The Post....
... Cops were puzzled by the source of the gunfire until they realized the timing of the second shooting matched up with two 911 calls reporting shots heard coming from another apartment building — about 1,400 feet across the East River on Roosevelt Island, sources said.

Investigators “think it’s some a–hole standing on a balcony shooting across the river,” a high-ranking NYPD insider said....
UPDATE 7:50 PM - Channel 7 ABC News reports this evening on the Roosevelt Island gunshots.

UPDATE 8/22 - NYPD is offering a $2500 reward for info and Manhattan Park management issues statement here.