Sunday, June 9, 2019

Roosevelt Island Margarittaville Moment At The Waterfront Pier As East River Kayakers Pass By On A Gorgeous Hot Sunday Afternoon

Enjoyed a Roosevelt Island Jimmy Buffet Margaritaville moment today - well almost with a Fruit Smoothie substituting for a Margarita and the Roosevelt Island Waterfront Pier instead of a beach.

On a beautiful hot summer Sunday afternoon, was sipping a Jupioca Fruit Smoothie at the Roosevelt Island Waterfront Pier with friends and listening to the East River tide hitting the rocks and seawall. Then these kayakers passed by. It was perfect.

Yes it would.

For now, the closest Kayak launch to Roosevelt Island is the LIC Boathouse at Hallets Cove on Vernon B'lvd opposite the Octagon Building.

For the Roosevelt Island
