Tuesday, June 11, 2019

You're Invited To Roosevelt Island Historical Society Free Public Lecture By Anthropologist/Archaeologist Scott Warnasch About Forensic Search And Recovery Excavation Projects Including Mysterious Woman In The Iron Coffin Thursday June 13 At RI Public Library Branch

The Roosevelt Island Historical Society (RIHS) is hosting a free public lecture titled Woman In the Iron Coffin June 13 (6:30 PM) at the NY Public Library Roosevelt Island Branch (524 Main Street).

According to RIHS:

W O M A N  I N  T H E  I R O N  C O F F I N

T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 1 3 T H | 6 : 3 0 P. M.

R I  N Y P L  B R A N C H

S P E A K E R :

S c o t t W a r n a s c h

As a forensic anthropologist and archaeologist for the New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner, Scott Warnasch has also served as director of the Human Remains Recovery excavations at the World Trade Center site and consultant to the NYPD and FBI on crime scene search and recovery operations. He will discuss several forensic search and recovery excavation projects, including the mysterious woman in the iron coffin.

The lecture is presented by the Roosevelt Island Historical Society at the New York Public Library Branch on Roosevelt Island, on Thursday, June 13, 2019 at 6:30 p.m.

The event is FREE and open to the public. It is the third in the Society’s annual series of spring lectures which is supported by Amalgamated Bank, Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation's Public Purpose Fund and New York City Council Member Ben Kallos, with funding from the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development.

DIRECTIONS: Take the Tram at 59th Street and Second Avenue or the F train to Roosevelt Island. Take the red bus (no charge) or walk eight minutes north to 524 Main Street.
Copyright © 2019 Roosevelt Island Historical Society, All rights reserved.

The Roosevelt Island Historical Society promotes awareness of the Island’s unique story and pursues preservation of its landmarks and artifacts. For more information, please visit www.rihs.us.
Here's a snipped from the PBS series Secrets of the Dead about the Woman In The Iron Coffin

and more from Metrofocus

including interview with Scott Warnash.